The Silent Room

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Book: The Silent Room by Mari Hannah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Hannah
Irwin. Exactly how long are you away for?’
    ‘Two weeks, if I ever get there.’
    ‘I take it you gave the Super your contact details in case we want to get in touch?’
    ‘Of course . . . don’t you people talk to each other? I told her everything. Everything.’
    Ryan relaxed.
    A teenager made an appearance and got short shrift from her dad. Then a woman Ryan assumed was Irwin’s wife popped her head round the door looking daggers at her husband. Jabbing her wristwatch with her right forefinger, she told him she was leaving in fifteen minutes, with or without him.
    A mismatched pair – there was a lot of it about.
    ‘Sorry, mate.’ Ryan winced as Irwin’s missus disappeared, slamming the door behind her, chipping another bit of plaster off the wall. ‘You want me to have a word? She doesn’t look too chuffed.’
    Irwin waved away the offer. ‘She never looks chuffed. You wouldn’t think I was nearly a goner yesterday would you? All she’s bothered about is humping her own clobber to the car and making my life hell because we’re going to have to spend my hard-earned adding another driver to the insurance in Cyprus. You could fit what I’m taking in a plackie bag. She’s given me earache all morning. Those thugs yesterday didn’t scare me, your boss doesn’t scare me, but my missus does.’
    ‘It must’ve been a tough shift yesterday.’
    ‘You could say that. It nearly finished my co-driver—’
    ‘And you too, I imagine.’
    ‘Not like Storey – the kid was bricking it.’
    Storey? Ryan wanted to hug him.
    ‘Want my honest opinion?’ Either way, Irwin was hellbent on giving it. ‘That’ll be his last shift as a security guard. It’ll also teach the little shite not to look down his nose at the likes of me. Educated, know what I mean? So far up his own arse he can nearly see his tonsils. I’ll be pleased to be rid of him.’
    ‘My boss all over.’ Ryan thumbed over his shoulder to his imaginary colleague. ‘The Super might seem very nice to you, but mess with her . . .’ He drew a hand across his throat. Taking a peek in his empty file, grateful that at six three he had several inches’ height advantage over his witness, Ryan posed a question. ‘Actually do you have a mobile number for Storey? I think she forgot to write it down.’ As Irwin read it out, Ryan scribbled it on the front of the file and then dropped his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. ‘Between you and me, my guv’nor has your prisoner pegged for some heavy shit. I know the guy personally. Don’t quote me, whatever you do, it’s just that I happen to believe he’s innocent.’
    ‘I’m with you, pal.’
    ‘Really? You have no idea how happy I am to hear it.’
    ‘Fenwick didn’t have the first idea he was going to be sprung,’ Irwin said. ‘Storey was bad enough, but your man was going ape-shit. He kept pounding on the cab, yelling at me to get the hell out of there. There’s no way he wanted to go with those prigs. No way! And I’ll tell you something else: I think your boss has her doubts too. What did you say your name was?’
    ‘Maguire,’ Ryan lied. He could see he’d made the wrong choice as soon as the word was out of his mouth. He stuck out a hand. Unflappable. ‘As in Chris, not to be mistaken for DS John Maguire, another idiot with his head up his arse. Like you and Storey, we don’t really see eye to eye.’
    ‘You got that right!’ Irwin huffed.
    Ryan changed the subject. ‘Can I give you a hand with these bags, mate?’
    ‘Nah, leave ’em. It’ll give her indoors something else to crow about.’
    Ryan grinned at his newfound friend. Male bonding was a wonderful thing. Now they understood one another, it was time to ask a few pointed questions. Then he could relax with a fortnight’s grace while Irwin was out of the country with his family. By the time he returned to the UK, one way or the other, it would all be over.

    Jack woke suddenly as the key turned in the lock. Before he

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