The Seven Year King (The Faerie Ring #3)

Read Online The Seven Year King (The Faerie Ring #3) by Kiki Hamilton - Free Book Online

Book: The Seven Year King (The Faerie Ring #3) by Kiki Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiki Hamilton
plump and dripping with juice, were piled high in cart after cart, like candy waiting to be plucked from the piles. The fruit sparkled in the fire light, as though coated with a sugary layer that would melt on one’s lips at first bite.
    As the market came into view, a tantalizing melody filled the air, pulling Tiki forward. She had heard the enchanting music of the faerie court before: the mournful cry of the bagpipes, the lofty notes of a harp and the laughing trill of a panpipe—but this music was different. It murmured in her ear like she imagined a lover might: breathy promises of a clarinet, the seductive strums of a guitar, the yearning notes of a pianoforte—yet there were no musicians in sight.
    “Can you hear the music?” Tiki whispered, tightening her grip on Rieker’s fingers.
    Rieker stared at the glowing lights. “Yes.”
    As they drew closer, a succulent smell filled the air and Tiki’s mouth began to water. A hunger started in her stomach and grew into a burning craving with each step. She scarcely noticed the ugly, small men who hawked their wares in sing-song voices, their calls blending with the melody of the instruments.
    “Git yer fruiiit…special and sweet,” one beak-nosed goblin sang, “just one bite, you’ll never want meat.”
    “Three a lock, such a small price to pay,” cried another, “hurry now, we’ll be gone by day.”
    “A lock?” Tiki repeated, pulling Rieker to a stop. “What type of lock, do you s’pose?”
    A little man lifted a glowing orange melon from the pile and held it out, balanced in his long fingers. “Take a taste, sweet, see for yourself if the price is fair…”
    Though the market was filled with bright light, his body was oddly encased in shadows, making his eyes appear to glow with a malevolent light. His back wore a slight hunch, giving the impression he might spring at them at any time.
    Tiki reached out, but Rieker stayed her hand.
    “What is the price?”
    A smile tweaked the corners of the little man’s mouth and he squinted in a shrewd expression. “All I ask for is a simple lock of hair—surely you can spare a strand or two…”
    Tiki hesitated, torn between her desire for the fruit and trying to remember why they were there. She took a deep breath, trying to concentrate.
    “Yes, I’ve a lock right here I can give you.” Rieker reached into his pocket and pulled out a small glass jar with a cork shoved in the top. Inside, black strands of hair glistened in the moonlight.
    Tiki closed her eyes and the music stopped. Startled, she blinked her eyes open and the haunting melody filled her head again, tugging at her like greedy hands. She closed her eyes again and the music was gone, as if the entire Goblin Market was nothing more than an illusion. Her urgent need to find Fiona came rushing back along with a sense of panic. How much time had they wasted drooling over the fruit?
    Without opening her eyes, she tugged at Rieker’s arm. “Close your eyes.”
    Rieker ignored her. “Here are four strands—” he held out several small chunks of the black hair— “for four pieces of fruit.”
    The goblin let out a low hiss. “Take it away! I won’t touch such a thing.”
    Tiki jerked her eyes open. “What are you talking about?”
    The firelight reflected off the sharp pointed teeth that protruded from the bottom jaw of the goblin as he snarled at them. “Who do you think you’re dealing with? We do not trade for the hair of the liche .”

Chapter Twelve

    “ T he liche?” Tiki repeated in surprise, peering closer at what Rieker held.
    “Remember?” He held the small glass container up for Tiki to see. “Leo gave it to me a few weeks ago. Said he pulled it from the head of his attacker. I must have left it in the pocket of my jacket.” He turned to the goblin, his voice turning petulant. “I don’t understand why you won’t…”
    Tiki grabbed Rieker’s arm and forced him toward her. “Close your eyes.”
    “What?” His

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