The Legend of the Werewolf
    "Only if I'm in Griffon city. Outside
that place you're no better than a mercenary."
    "True, but then you would have some
serious explaining to do, considering that you brought me here and
all, Princess."
    The nickname was like a slap in the face.
She shifted under him so that her cheek would be more comfortable
on the hardwood floor. She also wanted to see him. "I never asked
for people to call me that."
    Disbelief rolled off him. "They just do
because of your winning personality?" He shook his head.
    She tried to buck him off but he added
more pressure to her arm. The steep pain held her still. "I'm
serious. Gordon is forcing me and Westley to get married. We don't
want to!"
    Mike all but flew off her. So that was
it. A forced marriage.
    "I'm sorry." He offered her his hand
when she turned over. She looked at it, then him, before
    He lifted her with little trouble. Though
she was tough as a mountain lion, she weighed about as much as a
feather pillow.
    "I'm sorry," he said again. "I didn't
think werewolves still did arranged marriages."
    She shrugged one shoulder and took two
steps away from him. "This is kind of an extreme circumstance for
Gordon. I mean, Westley and I grew up together. And, look at us.
Most people think we're brother and sister."
    He didn't think telling her he thought
the same thing that night at the bar would be a good idea. He was
curious about what she said before that. "What kind of circumstance
warrants an arranged marriage?"
    Anne shook her head. "Nothing. Never
    He felt like such an ass. Being nicknamed
Princess because you were expected to marry the future leader of
the pack had to be tough. If there was ever a chance with her, he'd
blown it. "Listen, about that whole tying you up to escape
    She sent him a sharp glare.
    "I didn't mean it."
    She looked like she didn't believe him.
"So, that was just you trying to make me angry because you were
jealous I'm engaged?"
    "No! I'm not jealous." He was such an
idiot he wanted to slap himself. He settled for calling himself
some pretty nasty names for answering so quickly.
    She sauntered up to him, a saucy smirk on
her lips. "I think you were."
    Her body was a hairsbreadth away from his
own, the heat generating between them shot straight to his groin.
He fought to keep from grabbing her again.
    How could he tell her that the first time
he saw her he thought of a one night stand? She was a looker, would
probably make Westley one happy man should they ever grow attached
in a way that wasn't like siblings. But Mike didn’t want to think
about her being married to someone else.
    Maybe he was a little
    She pat his chest. "Well, goodness me,
look at the time." She went to the old sink, filled a soup bowl
with water and put it outside for the giant that guarded them.
Then, she all but flopped onto the couch.
    She stretched her body out and moaned. She
opened her eyes and grinned sleepily at him. "You should head to
bed now. Don't know about you, but I'm beat."
    "Great." He’d had plenty of sleep
already. If watching her stretching on that couch, making herself
comfortable and moaning about it was the alternative, then it was
probably best he tried to get a little nap in.
    Or a cold shower.
    Back straight, he turned and headed to
the direction of his new room.
    "By the way," Anne called. "Gordon is
going to invite a few other members of the pack over for
protection, and probably to see you."
    He groaned. He was an object of staring
once in his life and he didn't feel like going back to
    Anne moaned again and turned around to
make herself more comfortable. The sight and sound reminded him of
how close he was to having her.
    Reminded him of straight up, rolling
around, rough sex.
    "Right, goodnight." He shut the door to
his new prison and headed straight for the bathroom.
    Buzzed with lust and having the image
of her moaning and stretching like that, didn’t put him in

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