The Know

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Book: The Know by Martina Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martina Cole
looked at him, though he did huff and puff more than most.
    Tommy for his part was having the time of his life. Two women were sitting talking to him as if he was a real person. Someone who mattered, someone who actually belonged in their world. This was his third visit now and he felt welcome and respected. It was the latter that pleased him most. Joanie was a goddess to him now, and since she had welcomed him into her home, the neighbours had started to show him new respect, especially since Jon Jon too now gave him the time of day. Like his mother, he didn’t judge books by their covers. Tommy had decided early on that he liked the boy. He certainly had his priorities right where his family was concerned. He was like a father to his sisters, watching them like a hawk.
    Nowadays, thanks to the Brewers, people called out to Tommy as he sat on his balcony, and he had even started to take the long trek to the shops on a daily basis. That alone was hard work, but it was worth it because people spoke to him now. Were actually interested in him. He had his own niche in the life of the estate.
    He also had unlimited access to Kira, which was the idea after all. He loved her, loved being with her. She was everything to him, and she loved him back. She had told him she did. She had also said she felt stifled by her family, but he had explained how lucky she was to have people who actually cared about her and he thought she had understood what he meant. He hoped so anyway.
    Joanie grinned at him; she had a lovely face. She also had a dignity that wasn’t apparent on first meeting her but which shone out like a beacon after a while. She had had a hard life, he knew that and could sympathise with it. More than most people, in fact.
    ‘So do you want the job then?’
    Tommy grinned from ear to ear.
    ‘Oh, please. It would be my pleasure.’
    He flapped one hand and sent Monika into gales of laughter once more. But it was friendly laughter, not vicious and at the expense of his pride. It was laughter to be shared, by him as well as everyone nearby. He was in his element, even camping it up a bit to please them all.
    ‘Now all we need to sort out is the money.’
    Tommy’s face fell.
    ‘Please, Joanie. I couldn’t take money from a friend.’
    She smiled at him. She knew he meant what he said and appreciated the fact, but he had to be paid. Fair dues.
    ‘Listen to me - you will get a few quid, son. Now I don’t want to hear no more about it, OK?’
    He smiled and nodded, pleased that the decision had been taken out of his hands. Wait until he told his father he had a job! A real job. Not like the ones he had done before. Homework, boring soul-destroying homework. Hours and hours spent making boxes.
    That would give his dad something to think about.
    ‘Well, if you’re sure, Joanie.’
    He was thrilled with the way things had turned out.
    Joanie let him make the tea because she knew it pleased him so much. He wasn’t a bad fella, just lonely. And if anyone knew about loneliness it was her.
    Tommy’s face clouded over then. Suppose his father put a block on the babysitting? So he said quietly, ‘The only fly in the ointment is me dad.’
    Monika laughed that hearty laugh of hers and said loudly, ‘Fuck him, Tommy. Jon Jon will have a word if necessary. So stop worrying, mate.’
    But even as he smiled they could see the fear on his open face. Then it vanished, as quickly as if a curtain had been lifted. Jon Jon would sort it out. Even his father wouldn’t dare cross Jon Jon Brewer.
    The two women saw his expression change and then happiness was glowing from him once more.
    ‘I’ll talk to him. Don’t worry, Tommy.’
    As she spoke Joanie made a face at Monika that sent her into stitches once more.
    ‘Fucking miserable old bastard he is. Here, Joanie, tell you what - we’ll Godfather him. He looks senile so we’ll just

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