The Gunfighter and The Gear-Head
from a
tin cup, she decided it tasted like a mixture of tequila, agave
tea, and gasoline. In addition to the stomach churning taste,
horrible burning sensation it made all the way down her throat, and
mind-numbing properties, she also suspected it might be
    She sat at her telescope, observing the
comings and goings of the night denizens of Tombstone to deduce
their behaviors, rules, and purposes. After an hour or so, two
occurrences confirmed her suspicions that there was peyote mixed
into the alcohol. The first was an extreme nausea followed by
glimmering lights appearing where no glimmering lights should be.
Hallucinating was going to make any further observations she made
completely worthless, so she abandoned the telescope and laid back
out on the lawn chair to look up at the stars. Eventually, she
couldn’t really tell how long, the nausea subsided and the
hallucinations intensified.
    The desert night, alone on the roof as Ramen
had long shut down to conserve battery power, was cold and
uncomfortable. Aside from the companionship of sharing a bed with
Fiona, there was the warmth of another body and a mattress beneath
her. She had a hammock and a sleeping bag somewhere in the tangled
mess of bartered items on the roof, but she doubted she could find
or operate either while tripping and drunk.
    Fiona had seemed prickly and truculent, which
Gieo simply thought made her more interesting, but somehow adding
violent and dangerous to the mix didn’t do much to dampen Gieo’s
desire for the gunfighter. It was an odd notion, which she
attributed to the booze and drugs, that she would be able to get
past Fiona shooting people and hacking off their limbs. Of course,
her sexual frustration might have been partly to blame for the
crazy thoughts. She didn’t have a specific timeline in her head for
how long she would tease Fiona sexually before finally letting the
gunfighter tear her clothes off and ravish her, but she’d suspected
it was on the soon-ish side, at least, until Fiona went nuts.
    Gieo pulled her tailed tuxedo jacket over her
like a blanket to hold out the chilly desert night. The bands of
color and light that had danced across the sky shifted and started
taking on shapes. Gieo watched with mild amusement, knowing they
weren’t really there on an intellectual level, but enjoying their
beauty in an animalistic aesthetic way. After shifting through a
few zodiac patterns, which Gieo didn’t really care for as it seemed
rather pedestrian to look up the stars and literally hallucinate
crabs, archers, twins, and fish, the patterns began taking on
familiar, human shapes—specifically, the shape of Fiona. Gieo was
altered enough, horny enough, and had already abandoned her sexual
plans with Fiona enough to go ahead and do some self-gratification
since she didn’t see anyone else satisfying her anytime soon. Her
hands made their way down her stomach. Pulling up the leather
pencil skirt wasn’t a reasonable plan, so she unzipped the side and
pressed her hands into the top as best she could. The writhing sky
image of Fiona matched her movements, swirling a little more than
Gieo might like, but still discernable in her shape and intent.
    Gieo’s own fingers were like old friends who
hadn’t been by nearly enough in the past few months. She teased the
outside of her lips with soft fingers until she felt sufficiently
warmed and relaxed. The sky image of Fiona winked to her. Gieo
pressed down on her outer lips with both fingers, stroking up and
down until she was able to add a light pinch around her clit
between her knuckles. Using the middle finger of her other hand,
she rubbed the length of it down over the tip of her clit, letting
it curl into her at the end of each pass. She’d perfected the act
in high school to the point where she could do it anywhere, at
almost any state of dress or undress, and always achieve an orgasm.
It had been so long since she’d even touched herself, or had

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