The Fugitive Heiress

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Book: The Fugitive Heiress by Amanda Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Scott
    “And what do you expect this to accomplish?”
    She thought for a moment “It seems to me,” she began, “that if one knows oneself to be at fault for an other’s misfortune, one usually tries to make it up to that person in other ways. Even if she only believes me to be shielding her from your anger”
    “Which you are.”
    “Even so, she ought to be grateful and behave accordingly.”
    “Much you know.”
    Catheryn glanced at him uncertainly. “I believe it will turn the trick, my lord. Your mother said Tiffany needs to think about someone else for a change.”
    “True enough, but your plan comes from the twisted sort of thinking that passes for female logic. Tiffany is much more likely to take advantage of your good nature.”
    Catheryn smiled sweetly. “Not if you contrive to be out of charity with me a bit longer. She will take her lead from you, sir.”
    “Take her lead from me!” He stared at her and then grimaced. “I believe I take your meaning, Cousin. Did I say your logic was twisted? Upon reflection, I must correct the word to Machiavellian. My compliments.”
    “Never mind your compliments, sir. We are approaching Grosvenor Square. Scowl, if you please. Your sister is very likely on the watch for your arrival. Her bedchamber overlooks the square, you know.”

    D AMBROKE DISAPPEARED INTO HIS library, and Catheryn decided to have her breakfast before going in search of Lady Tiffany. By the time she had finished her second cup of tea, she had managed to learn from Morris, the footman, that her ladyship had refused breakfast, having come home, as he described it, “in a regular snit.” Her ladyship still had not recovered when Catheryn found her a bit later in her bedchamber. Tiffany had changed to a becoming round gown of pale green sprigged muslin with a matching sash and was standing by her window gazing into the square. She turned, her expression sullen.
    “Oh, it’s you. I expected Richard.” Catheryn was silent, radiating dejection. “Good gracious! Surely he has not been scolding you as well!”
    Catheryn flung herself into a comfortable silk-covered chair. “I should never have ridden his stupid horse.”
    “Of all the odious, rag-mannered … he knows it was all my fault!”
    Catheryn looked up wide-eyed. “But it was not your fault, Tiffany. I shouldn’t have ridden his horse without permission. Besides, Dambroke was worried about my safety, and worry causes some people to become fearfully angry, you know.”
    “Piffle!” Tiffany snapped, coming from the window to sit in a most unladylike manner on the foot of her bed. “It was neither fear nor worry, but pure selfishness. He cannot bear anyone to ride or drive his horses. Or to use his guns, for that matter. He once gave our cousin, Jonathan, a trimming for taking a shotgun out without permission. And Jonathan, let me tell you, is a crack shot! Then, Maggie’s brother, Captain Varling, just for a prank—he is a great jokester—once drove Richard’s bays hitched to a farm wagon. Richard was livid!” She had been looking straight at Catheryn, but at this point she lowered her gaze to her hands, beginning to pick with the fingers of one at the nails of the other. “I know that is not qu-quite what I t-told you before, Catheryn, but I truly did not intend you to incur his displeasure. I should not purposely inflict that on anyone. I thought we would be home before he emerged from his bedchamber. He and Lord Thomas were out very late.”
    “I expect Hobbs had second thoughts and sent him a message,” Catheryn replied.
    “I-I never thought. Please, Catheryn, I only….”
    “You only wanted me to be so occupied with Chieftain that I could not interfere with your assignation,” Catheryn offered helpfully, when she hesitated.
    “Yes … I mean, no, of course not!” Looking into Catheryn’s eyes, she encountered frank disbelief and hunched her shoulders. “Oh, very well. But please believe I never meant for you

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