The Fighter's Fierce Temptation

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Book: The Fighter's Fierce Temptation by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
on the mats. Hard! That did it. He grabbed her shoulders and rolled with her, tangling arms and legs. For a second, he wasn’t sure he could get her pinned. She was all lithe strength and sinuous muscle—and he wanted to be tangling with her in other ways. Her scent distracted him. Her sweat slicked his skin and made him think of better ways for them to be wrapped around each other. She took advantage of his distraction and slipped out from his arms.
    Standing, she turned to Zac. “Any questions about how back elbows can be used?”
    Bryant shook his head and swept out her legs with a kick, taking her to the ground and putting her underneath him. “Oh, I’ve got questions all right.” He grinned down at her.
    From above him he heard Zac say, “I’ll leave you two to it.”

Chapter 15
    Alice looked up at Bryant and then wished she hadn’t. His eyes were dark, and as she watched him try to control the intensity that was threatening to boil up and spill over, she recognized the light in his eyes as that of determination to be the best. No way is he going to take being bested by a female! Way to go, Alice. You just poked the lion and forgot to see if his chain was still on!
    She opened her mouth to speak and was silenced by Bryant instantly. “Don’t,” Bryant said, looking down at her from his position on top of her. His knees held her upper arms pinned to the mats, rendering her arms useless.
    She strained to lift her head and he gave a groan. He pushed his hips back as her warm breath flowed over his thighs.
    Alice groaned this time when his weight shifted. She raised her eyes to his and then it dawned on her what had caused him to shift. She had raised her head, her eyes closed as she tried to gain leverage for her upper body, but doing so had brought her with inches of his groin and as she inhaled sharply, his scent rushed over her, and she dropped her head back to the mats in confusion. She realized he was not unaware that something in the realm of sexual connection had just taken place.
    Bryant licked his lips. She knew he was watching her. Could he see the same confusion that was tying her in knots? Did he know just how far she was out of her league? He must because he smiled as if trying to lighten the atmosphere, rose to his feet, and offered her his hand to get up. “Want to show me how you did that thing with your elbows?”
    Alice accepted his hand and let him help her to her feet. “Maybe I should have one of the guys work with you. It works much better when it’s someone your same height.”
    “Oh yeah? Trying to give us both a breather? That sounds good.”
    Alice wiped her sweaty hands on her pants, trying to control her ragged breathing and slow the pounding of her heart.
    Bryant followed her hands, getting caught up as his eyes tracked down her chest, taking in the soft areas of tanned skin revealed by her sports bra, and the taut muscles of her abs. The gentle swell of her hips and the long legs that ended at her bright pink painted toes made him smile; he couldn’t entirely hide it. Raising his eyes back up to hers, he murmured, “You owe me.”
    “What! No, you owe me. I won the race, remember?”
    “Yeah, and you’re welcome to collect on that win. What you owe me for is taking me down in front of the kids.” Bryant met her gaze with a resolute look in his eyes. He would not take no for an answer, that much she could tell.
    Alice swallowed and slowly nodded. “Yeah, I probably should have at least warned you what was coming. Okay, what can I do to make it up to you?”
    Bryant grinned at her and leaned down so that he was close to her ear. “Lets go out to the lake. Fishing.”
    Alice raised her head sharply, nearly colliding with his chin. “What? You want to go fishing?”
    “Yep. After dinner tonight. I want you to take me back to the lake so we can go fishing.”
    “I… well… okay.” Alice was totally confused about where this was coming from. Fishing? Fight-boy wants to

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