The Fellowship for Alien Detection

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Book: The Fellowship for Alien Detection by Kevin Emerson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Emerson
Haley, she asked, “Does she know the sun’s come home?” Her arm started to shake, then her whole body.
    â€œYes, Mom, she knows,” said Steph, and she looked seriously at Haley. “Don’t you?”
    â€œI—” Steph’s eyes seemed to say play along . “I do, yeah.”
    Steph’s mom smiled. “The sun is home,” she said, and the thought caused a sweet smile to break out, but at the same time, she started to cry. “Daughter for sun. Suza . . .”
    She clasped her hands, fingers twitching over one another, and stared back off into space. “Night sun descending to earth and we are in the stars, we are in the stars and the sun comes home, we give our daughters for sun, we . . .”
    Haley just stared, her body feeling tight, trying to understand.
    â€œIt’s a dream,” said Steph.
    Haley finally broke her gaze and turned to Steph. “What do you mean?”
    â€œWhat she’s describing: the sun falling to earth, all that stuff, it’s from a dream she’s had. I know, ’cause I’ve had it, too.” Steph nodded to Gabe. “We all have, ever since the night of the missing time.”
    â€œYou’re all having the same dream,” Haley repeated, trying to make sure she was understanding.
    â€œMore like a vision. A memory, we think,” said Steph.
    â€œA memory of what?”
    Steph glanced up the aisles. “How much time do you have?”
    â€œUm . . .” Haley checked her phone. It had been about ten minutes. “Some?”
    Steph thrust her arms forward, tossing Vonnegut toward Gabe. “Watch them,” she ordered, indicating Mom with her chin. She turned to Haley. “I can show you, if you want. But we have to take a walk.”
    Steph was stepping backward. Haley saw a small door back beyond the refreshments.
    â€œWhere?” Haley asked.
    Steph glanced around the barn again, almost like she was wary of eavesdropping ears. “I’ll tell you on the way. You coming?”
    Haley felt a flutter in her gut. Her thoughts started to spiral. Was this a good idea? Or was it crazy? She glanced back out over the sea of people. Could she be sure that Mom had really left the barn? Maybe she had taken up a post somewhere to keep an eye on her. But Haley didn’t see her. Still, how late could she be before her mom came looking for her? And what would Jill think if she met Steph’s mom, saw how damaged she was, and learned why? She would freak. It would be the end of the trip, Haley felt sure of it. And maybe she’d be right. This was serious stuff, maybe too serious, and it was also risky to just go off with Steph. Maybe she shouldn’t—
    Stop! she shouted at herself. No, she had not endured a day of car and hotel with Liam and her parents, watched others get the internships she wanted, and on and on, to not follow this story now. Garrett Conrad-Wayne wouldn’t panic right now, he’d focus! Look at this woman, at this girl, and now at this mystery of the shared dream. Haley was onto something here. Something big. And it was hers to figure out and solve.
    Haley took a big breath. “I can’t be long, but, okay,” she said, and she followed Steph out the back door of the barn.

Chapter 5
    Amber, PA, July 3, 10:41 a.m.
    â€œThe dream started right after that night,” said Steph as they exited the barn into the brilliant hazy sunlight. “Not everyone in town will admit it, but you can tell by how everyone reacts when it comes up. Nobody really knew we were all having the same dream at first, but then, a few weeks later, this woman in town painted a picture that she said was from a dream. It showed this giant orange falling star in the night sky, and when her husband saw it, he freaked out, and then they posted it online and everybody remembered it like we’d all seen it before.”
    Haley rushed to get alongside Steph. They

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