The Deep End (A Saints & Strangers Cozy Mystery Book 2)

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Book: The Deep End (A Saints & Strangers Cozy Mystery Book 2) by Keeley Bates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keeley Bates
Tags: female sleuth, cozy mystery
convinced that he was someone she could trust. Looking at him now, she wasn’t so sure.
    Kit wasn’t the least bit surprised when she received Romeo’s text. A courtesy call that he was coming over to talk to Rebecca. Given the circumstances, she knew that he’d need to speak with Rebecca again. Although Kit doubted that kind and gentle Rebecca had anything to do with Jasmine’s murder, she had to be ruled out as a suspect. Her character Ellie Gold would have done the same thing. She trusted no one and that lack of trust saved her butt on multiple occasions. On the other hand, Ellie lived an insulated life and had trouble connecting with people on a personal level. At the end of the day, Kit was glad to be Kit Wilder and not Ellie Gold.
    As soon as she finished reading the text, FaceTime alerted her to an incoming call. Kit was pleased to see her good friend, Jordan Newberg, pop up on her screen. Jordan lived in Los Angeles and had been the wardrobe designer for Fool’s Gold . She’d been keeping him abreast of recent events and she had no doubt that he was looking for an update. Stalking her Instagram and Twitter accounts didn’t seem to satisfy him, not that she posted about Jasmine’s murder. Romeo would go apoplectic.
    “So?” Jordan prodded. “Anyone been arrested yet? Maybe one of your new besties?”
    Kit smiled. “Someone sounds jealous.”
    “Well, truth be told I thought I was your best girlfriend,” he complained. “Ever since you moved to Westdale, you seem to have acquired a harem.”
    “Jordan, are you wearing purple eyeliner?” she asked, peering at the screen.
    “What? It’s good to experiment with color,” he said defensively.
    “It suits you,” she told him. “Brings out the color of your eyes.”
    “Thanks.” He swung his head to the side in dramatic fashion. “So what’s the latest on the cheerleader’s demise? I need my fix.”
    “I’m not your daily soap opera,” she insisted. “Turn on your television.”
    “I have,” he said, staring at her on the screen. “I’m watching it now. The lead actress is very compelling, although her hair clearly needs a trim.”
    Kit’s hand flew to her hair. “Well, I’m not the lead in this story,” she replied. “Poor Charlotte and Rebecca. I really feel for them. They’ve lost everything and now they have to endure this whole mess. At least Charlotte was in class at the time of death. Not that she could ever drown anyone.”
    “You don’t really think your boyfriend will arrest the older sister, do you?” he asked.
    “He’s not my boyfriend.”
    “But you want him to be.”
    A knock on the door ended their third grade conversation. “Sorry, Jordan. Show’s over.”
    “Nooooo,” came the long reply as she hung up to answer the door.
    Romeo stood on the front step, one muscular forearm pressed against the wall.
    “Hi, did you get my text?” he asked.
    “I did. Sorry, but Rebecca and Charlotte went to the Weston Inn to meet with catering staff about their charity event.”
    “They’re organizing a charity event?” he asked, incredulous. “Don’t they have enough on their plates?”
    “They’d started planning it before their dad died. It’s a Monte Carlo casino night thingy to raise money for cancer research.”
    He checked his watch. “When will they be back?”
    “Soon,” she replied. “They’ve been gone a couple of hours already and the Weston Inn is just a hop, skip and a jump in Liberty Square.”
    “So it’s just you and me?” he asked, a sly smile tugging at his lips.
    “I suppose it is,” she said.
    “Stop playing coy and let him in,” a voice called from across the road.
    Kit waved to Phyllis, who sat on her porch across the road. Phyllis was the eyes and ears of Westdale, or at least the part of Westdale that she had access to.
    “I think Phyllis wants you to let me in,” Romeo said with a grin.
    “Fine,” she said. “I’ll do it for Phyllis.” She moved aside so that he could

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