The Cowboy’s Runaway Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 1)

Read Online The Cowboy’s Runaway Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 1) by Jenn Roseton - Free Book Online

Book: The Cowboy’s Runaway Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 1) by Jenn Roseton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn Roseton
Tags: cowboy, bbw romance, billionaire romance, cowboy romance, plus size romance, bride romance, western romance kindle
wondered if it was lunchtime yet.
    The chug of the SUV’s engine alerted her. Mmm. Garrett. When she worked down here, he always came to pick her up for lunch, ignoring her protests that she could walk the five minutes back to the house.
    “Ready for lunch?” His rich voice sent a flutter of excitement through her, even though they’d had breakfast together just a few hours ago.
    “Sure,” she called out, picking up a bucket that contained dusty rags as she headed outside to greet him.
    “Hey.” His molten brown eyes snared hers.
    “Hey,” she repeated, a breathless note in her voice. When he looked at her like that, her brain seemed to turn to mush.
    “Let me.” He took the bucket from her, slipping his other arm around her waist at the same time. Pulling her toward him, he studied her upturned face as if he were memorizing every detail.  His firm, sensual lips closed over hers, kissing her slowly and thoroughly.
    Maddie dimly heard the clang of the bucket as it dropped to the ground. Garrett’s other arm wrapped around her waist, molding her against him.
    She clasped her arms around his neck, her soft breasts pressed against his hard, muscular chest. He deepened the kiss, his hands caressing her back, and Maddie reveled in the sensuality of his touch, hazily thinking that Garrett must be the best kisser in the country, if not the world.
    Garrett finally ended the kiss , resting his chin against her forehead. She breathed deeply, enjoying his clean, masculine scent. His arms loosened around her waist and she took a regretful step back, wishing she could spend the rest of the day in his embrace.
    “I guess we better get some lunch.” He held out his hand.
    “I guess so.” His strong, tanned fingers closed around hers as they walked the few steps to the SUV.  Was it her imagination or did he sound just as regretful as she felt?

    T he next day, Maddie hummed as she dusted the walls of the cabin. After that amazing kiss yesterday, they’d driven back to the house for lunch, and then gone horseback riding afterwards. She’d protested that there was plenty of cleaning still to do at the cabin, but Garrett had insisted it could wait until tomorrow.
    Really, she thought, a smile on her lips, she’d have to give Garrett back about two-thirds of her wages. She wasn’t going to allow him to pay her for giving her the chance to ride a horse or...
    Or to kiss him.
    Just like Sunday, when he’d kissed her when she stumbled on the bit of loose gravel, he hadn’t made another move. Last night she’d become engrossed in a mystery novel after she’d told herself to stop wondering if he was going to kiss her again. Garrett had closeted himself in the study, saying he had an urgent business matter to attend to, although she had no idea what kind of business he needed to conduct at 7.30 p.m.
    The sound of the SUV’s engine cut into her thoughts. She hadn’t been here that long. Surely it couldn’t be lunchtime already?
    Putting down her dust cloth, Maddie headed out to the small porch. Garrett’s vehicle was parked in front. She watched him emerge from the driver’s side, then a second later, the passenger door opened, and another man exited the vehicle.
    Maddie stared in shock.
    “Maddie,” Garrett said tersely, “there’s someone here to see you.”
    Her lips parted as Howard walked toward her. Average height, average build, with designer-cut sandy hair, he wore an expensive suit and tie that looked out of place.
    No, no, no! Her mind screamed. She wrapped one hand around the porch railing, her knuckles whitening.
    “Maddie.” Howard had a nice, well-modulated voice, she recalled, except when it ascended to a nasal whine.
    “Howard.” She inclined her head.
    His pale green eyes assessed her, noting her dusty appearance.
    “I think we should talk.”
    Garrett cleared his throat. Maddie swung her gaze toward him, having forgotten for a second he was there. All her attention had been

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