The Cartel Enforcers (The Bill Dix Detective Series Book 2)

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Book: The Cartel Enforcers (The Bill Dix Detective Series Book 2) by C.L. Swinney Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.L. Swinney
this, it will be them.”
    Dix drove the car over near to where the men were sitting in the Honda Civic, but not next to them even though there were open spaces on both sides of their car.
    Romero noticed this and had a puzzled look on his face, “Are you trying to get your exercise?”
    “I’d want them to do the same for me,” he replied.
    They exited the car and casually walked over to the Honda Civic. Two men exited the Civic and began walking toward them. Dix chuckled when he saw one of the men from the Civic exit. He was probably in his early thirties, well built, and wearing the standard goatee most guys wear when they first get into narcotics. He estimated the second man was in his late forties. He had a dip of chewing tobacco in his mouth, and moved with a slight limp. Dix’s own left knee throbbed daily so he could already relate to the stranger.
    Romero said, as he pointed to the two men, “Dix, meet DG and Wally. They’re on the local narcotics task force
    and knee deep in cartels right now.”
    Dix extended his hand to both men and said, “Gentlemen, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” After exchanging brief formalities, Dix was anxious to get going.
    Before he could start asking questions DG told Dix, “Appreciate your parking job. Kids these days aren’t as paranoid as us old farts.”
    “No problem. I noticed a puzzled look on Romero’s face when I parked and chuckled to myself. I thought the same damn thing you just did. We’re getting too old for this stuff aren’t we?”
    While laughing DG replied, “You got that right. I have to use Wally here to chase the bad guys down during our buy-busts,” he slapped Dix on the shoulder, “I like you already Dix.”
    Both Romero and Wally exchanged looks to each other like, oh brother .
    DG suggested the four men start walking over to the hospital lobby area. He began updating Dix and Romero about how he and Wally had contacted several informants regarding the case and learned little. He explained the word on the street was confirmed that someone wanted Pedro dead because he was believed to be a snitch. DG told them he personally believed there was a split a few years ago of members from the Tijuana Cartel. One group worked primarily in Mexico and the other worked in the United States. DG said there was very little known about the second group and he speculated that they may be the group behind the attempted murders on Pedro.
    DG said to Wally and Romero, “Why don’t you guys go talk to the Deputies about what they know, Dix and I will catch up.” Without hesitation Wally and Romero continued walking on.
    Dix was sure the men he’d just met were shooting him straight. This was important to him because he was an outsider. Nevertheless, he was beginning to feel as though solving the case was more than a long shot. He felt there were too many unknowns and not enough time.
    Dix looked at DG. “What’s up?”
    “I want to run something by you. I’m thinking the second attempt on Pedro had to include someone working with law enforcement. Someone that knew the schedules of the Sheriff’s Office Deputies, the location of Pedro, the nurse rotation schedule, layout of the hospital, and they had to have an understanding of police procedure.”
    Dix agreed entirely with DG and suddenly realized DG was not part of the group meeting when the locals disclosed there was, in fact, a law enforcement leak. Dix quickly got DG up to speed with the information gained from the prior meeting.
    Dix said, “I worked a case not too long ago where I actually asked the bad guy for help on how to catch him. These inside jobs are near impossible to figure. With the cartels being so rooted in San Diego, and all the layoffs thanks to the California Governor, I’m sure there are a few guys with ties to the crew running the show here. Some of them may even be on the cartel payroll.”
    DG shook his head in disgust. “Money cracks even the strongest will. I’ve heard the

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