The Boundless

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Book: The Boundless by Kenneth Oppel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenneth Oppel
travel back in time an entire hour. Is it true? Of course not, and yet . . . behold.”
    Will stares at his watch face. The second hand moves smoothly.
    Tick . . . tick . . .
    â€œWatch carefully now,” comes Mr. Dorian’s deep voice. “Making its steady way. Watch now . . .”
    Tick . . . tick . . .
    â€œIt moves and it moves; it knows its path,” Dorian’s voice says, as if from a great distance. “Keep your eyes on it, Ladies and Gentlemen.”
    And then Will’s eyes widen as the second hand leans forward but doesn’t move, only stutters in place—for how long, he doesn’t know, for he can’t take his eyes away. Will is dimly aware of gasps around the room, and a few people muttering, “Impossible!”
    And then the second hand begins to move again, and Will blinks and looks back at Mr. Dorian.
    â€œWhat happened, Ladies and Gentlemen? I shall tell you. Your bodies, all the matter in this room, were simply readjusting to the new reality, the new time. But what if I were to tell you that in this small stutter of time, I slipped from the front of the room and walked amongst you, and took some things, without your even knowing?”
    â€œOutrageous!” calls someone.
    â€œIs it?” he says. And he pulls from his pocket a wallet. “Sir, I believe this is yours, is it not, with the monogrammed initials HD?”
    â€œHow in the devil . . .”
    â€œAnd a pair of jade cuff links from you, sir, there!”
    â€œIncredible!” says the man, looking at his loose shirt cuffs.
    Will laughs with his father, until Mr. Dorian points at them.
    â€œAnd from the gentleman over there . . . an important-looking key on a chain.”
    Will’s smile fades when he sees the concern on his father’s face.
    â€œNow, if I can ask you all to come and collect your things, please,” says Mr. Dorian. “Oh, and please do remember to set your timepieces back an hour!”
    â€œGo on,” his father says quietly. “Take it back.”
    Will’s heart thumps.
    Impatiently his father says, “Now, Will.”
    Will stands, and as he walks toward the front, he feels his heart give a few panicked thumps. It doesn’t help that Mr. Dorian seems even taller as he draws closer to the platform. The ringmaster smiles as he hands Will the key, and he shakes Will’s hand but doesn’t release his grip. Is there a hint of recognition in his eyes?
    â€œAnd since you’re already here, young sir, perhaps I might prevail upon you to assist me in the final act.”
    Will finds he cannot speak.
    â€œExcellent,” says Mr. Dorian. “And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Zirkus Dante’s unparalleled escape artist, the Miraculous Maren!”
    A girl emerges from behind the screen like an exotic bird, her clothes bright and extravagant. Will has never seen anyone so vividly made up, her lips rouged, eyebrows lined with charcoal. Her legs and arms are bare. Will feels the heat in his cheeks.
    â€œNo lock can hold her! No chains can bind her!” proclaims Mr. Dorian.
    She carries with her a length of rope and several heavy chains.
    â€œNow, I know you think there will be some trick to this, my friends. Which is why I’ve asked this young gentleman from the audience to fasten these chains and this rope in any way he sees fit.”
    The girl holds out the rope and chains for Will.
    â€œExamine them first,” Mr. Dorian instructs. “Make sure they are strong.”
    Will tests them, but he’s distracted by the girl, who smiles at him. There is a narrow gap between her teeth. Her eyes have a lively angle and a light that doesn’t seem to be a mere reflection from the gas lamps.
    â€œWhat shall I do now?” he asks.
    â€œTie me up,” she replies.
    Nervously he starts winding the rope around her

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