The Bear's Virgin Darling (Honeypot Darlings Book 1)

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Book: The Bear's Virgin Darling (Honeypot Darlings Book 1) by Sophie Stern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Stern
completely embarrassed, but Carter doesn’t seem upset, so maybe it’s not so bad, after all.
    And I got the job, didn’t I?
    “I did,” he says, his smile is gone, but his eyes are still twinkling. “I’m sorry it didn’t go so well, but I’m glad you’ve agreed to give us another try. I think you’ll find that Honeypot is a rather unusual place, but once you get used to our little quirks, it’s not such a bad place to live.”
    Before I have a chance to ask what little quirks he’s talking about, Carter steps back and motions for me to come into the house.
    “Where’s Wyatt?” I ask.
    “Miss my brother already?” Carter asks, and I roll my eyes.
    “Just curious.”
    “He’s chasing down a lost calf.”
    “Oh no,” I gasp. “Is it okay?”
    “I’m sure it’s fine,” Carter assures me. “It’s all part of the job. Part of the fence was down and it got through. One of our employees, Alex, noticed it yesterday. You’ll meet him soon, I’m sure.” Then he eyes me for a moment and adds, “You haven’t spent much time in the country, have you?”
    “Is it that obvious?” I shift uncomfortably, but don’t bother lying. I figure that if I tell the truth, even if it’s not very fun, at least I’ll be an honest idiot, rather than a lying one.
    “Don’t worry about it,” Carter says. “I know you’re from a small town, but there are going to be some things that are different. Outside of city limits, we’re on our own for most things. It’ll be okay. We’ll teach you everything you need to know.”
    He’s friendly. I like him immediately. He’s very different from his brother and I’m not sure what to make of that. Maybe it’s because I’m an only child, but I always expected that siblings would behave in a certain way around each other.
    I guess I thought they’d have a lot of personality similarities, but Carter and Wyatt aren’t that way at all. Though their appearances are somewhat similar – which is why I thought Carter looked familiar when I met him – that’s the end of it. Wyatt carries himself with professionalism and determination. He walks like he has a purpose. Carter seems more casual and carefree. He seems like the “fun” brother, if I had to give him a label.
    “There’s a lot to learn, but you seem pretty bright, so I’m sure you’ll catch on quickly,” Carter says. “For today, we just need to get your paperwork sorted, then I’ll show you your cabin.”
    “My cabin?” I ask. I knew there was housing provided on-site, but I didn’t know exactly where it would be.
    “Yeah, there are five,” he says. “You’ll be in number three. My brother Micah lives in number one and Alex is in two. The other cabins are vacant.”
    “Do visitors stay there often?” I ask.
    “No. That’s part of why I wanted to hire you. From what I can tell, you’re something of a social media genius.”
    “That’s true,” I say. I’m not bragging, but I’m good. I probably should have highlighted those skills in the original interview with Wyatt, but I freaked out.
    “We want to expand the ranch,” Carter tells me. He leads me down a hall and to a cozy office. There are a couple of desks and he sits at one, then motions for me to pull up a chair. “My parents retired last year and gave us the ranch to do with as we pleased.”
    “Wow. That’s quite a responsibility.”
    “You aren’t joking. One of the things we want to do is make it more of a tourist attraction.”
    “There isn’t a lot to see in Honeypot, from what I could tell.”
    “Yeah, but we want to change all that. Honeypot is unique in its own way and we feel that will bring in plenty of visitors once they know all it has to offer. In the meantime, we’re planning on sprucing up the ranch, adding more cabins, and coming up with some fun activities for visitors to participate in.”
    “Sounds like a lot of fun and a lot of work.”
    “You up for the challenge?” Carter winks and hands me

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