Sweet Charity

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Book: Sweet Charity by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
bed. On all fours. I’ll join you in a moment.” He paused, looking her up and down and her entire body seemed to vibrate at the blatantly sexual perusal. “Take your hair down. I like it against your bare skin. You’re so beautiful.”
    She smiled, feeling shy all the sudden.
    In his bedroom, breathless at being surrounded by his scent, she undressed and let her hair loose from the barrette. She got on his bed as he’d instructed and waited. The air caressed her bare skin as anticipation zinged through her veins.
    In the guestroom, where Gabriel kept his toys, he removed his shoes and socks and went to the chest at the end of the bed and unlocked it. The scent of leather wafted up at him as he reached down and grabbed the crop and a blindfold.
    The crop had the perfect amount of give to it, bending easily but not too easily. Springing back into place with a nice whoosh of air. The sound, the creak of the leather made his cock twitch as he walked back to his room.
    He rarely used the crop. It wasn’t something you could break out on a first date and he didn’t tend to keep woman around for longer than a month or two. But when he’d bought it two years before, it had been Charity he’d thought of. It was getting harder and harder to ignore how it all came back to her, over and over. She was what he’d wanted for his entire adult life.
    His pulse sped as he caught sight of her on his bed. Mine.
    He put the crop down on the edge of the bed, where she could see it. He wanted to give her a chance to back out. Hope she would warred with hope she wouldn’t. She froze and sucked in a breath.
    “You okay?” He petted down the curve of her ass and his cock throbbed.
    “Uh. Yes. I’ve never…”
    “We can forgo it.” He moved to pick it up but she shook her head.
    “No. I want to. I want you to use it on me.” Her voice was breathless but sure. She got to him, damn it. Truth was, she always had.
    “Show me, Gabriel. I’ve never done anything like this before. Show me more.”
    “You can feel . I’m going to cover your eyes.”
    “Okay,” she breathed out in a barely audible whisper. Not a scared whisper.
    He groaned and slid the blindfold over her eyes, making sure it was light tight and comfortable. Her skin immediately broke out in gooseflesh and she breathed out slowly.
    “You look so fucking beautiful here on your hands and knees.” She did. It made every cell within him yearn to have this all the time. Instead he picked the crop up and drew a line down her spine with the tip. Around to her breasts and those nipples that made his mouth water and his hands itch to touch. “The curve of your breasts, your nipples so dark and hard—so gorgeous. And your ass, oh that pretty ass of yours.” He smoothed his palms over the solid, rounded muscle of her cheeks, giving each one a crack of his opened hand.
    She wriggled back against him and he smiled. Maybe they could enjoy each other more than he first thought.
    He traced the tip of the crop over the seam of her ass. He wasn’t a stranger to crops, having grown up in rural America and all. But it was a skill that needed practice and honing.
    A quick switch of his wrist and he landed a sharp snap against her thighs, just below the curve of her ass.
    “Oh!” She squirmed and he couldn’t tear his eyes from the red line he’d made on her flesh.
    Oh indeed.
    Again and again, he landed the crop against her butt and her thighs. More for the sound than the actual strike, although he did love the webwork of red lines from the crop. He watched her carefully, noting her reactions, making sure to keep her on the right side of the pleasure/pain divide. Creating a heat but not a burn. He loved the careful creation of the experience for her, wanted her first time to be something she’d always remember after she’d married a guy like Brian and thought back to the wild fling she’d had with that very bad boy back in the day.
    Her head drooped and her

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