Summers at Castle Auburn

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Book: Summers at Castle Auburn by Sharon Shinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Shinn
to steal you. And we have lost many more loved ones than you have.”
    â€œYou have lost them because they chose to come to a world far more gracious and wondrous than yours,” she replied. “In Alora, the streets run with magic—you inhale rainbows when you breathe. The air is scented with cinnamon and decorated with song. No man lives in want, no child goes unloved, and the contentment of your heart makes every day a joy. This is true for the aliora, and it is true of the humans who have chosen to live among us. Come to Alora. See for yourself.”
    Jaxon laughed shortly. “Yes, and be taken prisoner myself! Never to return to tell my family and my friends about my wonderful new life.”
    â€œCome with me,” she repeated, extending one spider-thin hand. Moonlight glowed along its long, white length, glinted at the fingertips. “I promise you that you will be allowed to return if you so desire.”
    â€œAnd to how many men have you made that promise?” Jaxon scoffed, but there was something odd about him now. He seemed to be leaning toward her as if a terrific force inclined him in her direction, mightily though he resisted; his arms and his back seemed knotted with tension.
    â€œTo all I have invited with me to Alora.”
    â€œAnd how many of them have returned to the haunts of man?”
    â€œNot one,” she said, “but not one of them wished to.”
    Now Jaxon rolled to his knees, as if impelled by that great external coercion; still he seemed to struggle silently against some impossible desire. “And you think I would not want to?” he said, what I could hear of his voice sounding scraped and raw. “You think I would cross the boundaries of Alora with you and choose to stay forever?”
    She still had her arm exftended toward him. Now she came apace nearer and turned her hand palm-up in invitation. “Ah, Jaxon, you wish to come with me,” she whispered, but even so I heard the whisper. “You have long wished to see my home, to live with me among the beautiful people. You would not be lonely another minute, my friend—you who are so lonely now that you stay awake night after night for the companionship of a campfire. I know your heart, you see. It is bitter and empty and full of regret. Come to Alora, and all that will be washed away.”
    â€œI cannot come,” he said, his voice very low.
    â€œYou want to come,” she replied.
    â€œYou do. You wore no gold into the forest, Jaxon. Why was that?”
    â€œSo you would be unwary enough to approach me. One step nearer and I will snatch you up and bind you in chains.”
    She floated closer by an inch, maybe two. It was then I realized that the aliora’s pose was as tense and painful as my uncle’s, that she yearned toward him with an equal longing. Her pale fingers trembled in their own ghostly light, and her face seemed shut tight against both dread and desire. “Is this close enough, Jaxon?” she asked. “Can you touch me now?”
    â€œI warned you,” he said.
    â€œCloser still?” she murmured. “Would you like me to lay my hand across your cheek? Would that convince you to follow me across the river?”
    â€œIf you touch me, you are lost,” he said.
    â€œIf I touch you, and you with no gold upon you, you are mine,” she retorted. “Is that what you want? Do you want me to touch you?”
    He made no answer. The night was unbearable with stress; I could not move nor breathe. Both of them seemed to tremble with an uncontrollable emotion that kept them weighted in place even as it propelled them forward. Then suddenly there was motion too swift for me to follow. It seemed as if Jaxon leapt for her and she shot away, for there was a whirl of gowns and blankets and suddenly she was twenty feet from him. Jaxon was on his feet, breathing hardand staring harder, his hands clenched at his sides and

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