Sultry Groove (Reckless Beat #4)

Read Online Sultry Groove (Reckless Beat #4) by Eden Summers - Free Book Online

Book: Sultry Groove (Reckless Beat #4) by Eden Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eden Summers
of pink as she rubbed a hand over her belly. “It’s been a long time since lunch.”
    “Then why don’t we ditch coffee and have an early dinner?” He relaxed his foot against the accelerator, and pulled over to the side of the road, giving her his full attention.
    “Oh, no.” She shook her head. “Really, I’m good.” She cleared her throat, her hand pressing harder on her stomach, no doubt trying to suppress another grumble.
    “Come on, Red.” He loved the way her lips twitched when he called her that, a slight mix between agitation and humor. “I know the perfect place, and dinner is a better way for me to make up for my stupidity last night.”
    Her gaze narrowed on him for a moment, seconds really, but the connection hit him in the chest, making him itch to touch her. Before he could, she turned her focus out the window and began nibbling her bottom lip.
    Come on. Come on. Come on. He wanted to see her smile again, and determine if the fuzzy memory of how perfect her lips tasted would be as brilliant in the light of day. Going home to an empty penthouse wasn’t an option. Surrounded in silence and consumed with thoughts of Sidney would drive him to drink, and his liver needed a well-deserved break.
    “OK.” She gave him a sideways glance. “As long as it’s something low-key. I’m not dressed for anything other than fast-food.”
    He grinned, unable to stop himself. “You look pretty.” Shit. The lame compliment slid off his tongue. This time his lack of finesse had nothing to do with the distracting thoughts of another woman in his mind and everything to do with how fascinated he was with his travel companion.
    Pretty was far from where she was. Gorgeous, edible, erection-inducing, now those were worthy compliments. The way she moistened her lips in reply only cemented his attraction. They had a thing going here. He didn’t know what it was, or where it would lead, but he liked being with her. And if the poorly concealed interest in her deep-brown irises was anything to go by, Red was enjoying his company, too.
    “I’m more of a snack eater myself,” he continued, hoping to distract his dick from the game it wanted to play. “There’s a place close to where I live that does the best bruschetta and dipping breads. Why don’t we go there, have a bite to eat, chat a little, then I can take you home whenever you’re ready?”
    Red tilted toward him, scrutinizing him long enough to make his heart throb in anticipation. And OK, other parts of his body, too.
    “I won’t be able to stay long.” Fucking-A . “I have a big week ahead trying to perfect the routine for your song.”
    “No problem at all. All you have to do is tell me when you want to leave, and I’ll take you.” He broke eye contact and checked for oncoming cars before reentering the lane of traffic. “Trust me, Red, their food will leave you wanting more.” And by the time he drove her home, he hoped she would feel the same way about him, too.
    Stanterio’s? He was taking her to Stanterio’s? One of the most pretentious restaurants in Richmond, set on the banks of the James River at Rocketts Landing. What the heck happened to low-key?
    “Sean, I’m not dressed to go to a place like this.” The faintest hint of apprehension marred her voice.
    Fine dining wasn’t a new experience. She’d grown up with money, and at the height of her dancing career men had taken her to places like this all the time, not only in Richmond, but in cities all over the world while touring. She was familiar with mingling amongst the snobbiest of people. She also knew walking inside dressed in cargo pants and a skin-tight, revealing top would attract attention she no longer wanted.
    “Trust me, you look gorgeous.”
    His compliment didn’t lower her blood pressure in the slightest. The old Melody wouldn’t have cared. The woman she used to be could’ve walked into the fanciest restaurant in her thread-bare flannel pajamas and flirted her

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