Stolen Memories: A Novella

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Book: Stolen Memories: A Novella by Alyson Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyson Reynolds
counting down the seconds until he walked through the front door. I was surprised how easy and natural it was being married.
    My sister slowly got stronger each day. I spent every second I could with her. On day two of her recovery, I had broken down in her room and told her how sorry I was for putting her in danger. She had suffered because I hadn’t figured things out sooner. Cassie tried to make me realize that from the first month of her marriage, her life had been a living hell. None of us had known what she was getting herself into when she married that bastard. When she thanked me for stopped my marriage to Michael, I almost lost it. We all knew that she would probably be dead if it wasn’t for Hunter finding her.
    Cassie had sobbed into my shoulder, but she assured me it was cathartic and a good release for the terror she had felt for so long. My heart ached for her. She finally felt strong enough to come and sit in the living room for a few hours on the third day of Hunter’s trip. My mother and I fussed over her, treating her like she was made of glass. We knew she was tired of being babied, but it was hard for us to rein it in after being so worried. My memory loss fell to the backburner because even though I wanted my memories back, I was more worried about my sister than trying the therapy options.
    I heard the front door open and a huge grin crossed my face. Hunter walked into the living room and I jumped up to kiss him hello. He wrapped me up in his arms, digging his face into my neck and inhaling my hair. My hands traveled up and down his back like I couldn’t believe he was actually home. His presence immediately made me feel better. My sister looked between us with a frown on her bruised face.
    “What’s wrong, Cassie?” I asked cautiously. Something told me I might not like her answer. I still had the niggling feeling that something was missing. And the frown on her face seeing us together made me believe that it might have something to do with the fact I was married to Hunter.
    “Nothing. You two don’t look like this is a fake marriage though.”
    “What?” My body stiffened and I tried to pull away. His arms wrapped tighter around me, keeping me from stepping back from him. My rose-colored bubble had burst.
    “Mom mentioned that you two got married so dad couldn’t force you to marry Michael. Are you planning on getting divorced soon now that the danger has passed, or has that changed?”
    “Keep us safe,” I mumbled trying to sort through the jumbled pieces of my memories. “Oh my God, I remember. You wanted to get married so you could protect me.” He wouldn’t look me in the eye and I knew I was right. “You also said you wanted to fuck me without guilt and it would be a perk to our marriage. I feel so fucking stupid.”
    I pulled back and pushed his arms away. This time he let me go. If looks could kill, the one I was shooting his way would have dropped him in seconds.
    “Baby, no. It may have started out that way, but it doesn’t matter now.” Hunter tried to get me to look at him, but I couldn’t. I thought he was in love with me, not that he loved me like a friend. All my hope for a future with him was gone.
    “You lied.”
    “I never lied. I just didn’t tell you everything that happened. The doctor said—”
    “I don’t give a fuck what the doctor said,” I spat at him. “We were going to get divorced as soon as it was safe. It all makes sense now; everything except how you kept that part from me when I started remembering things. You should have told me that when my memories started coming back, but you didn’t. You told me the story about the rings and our beach wedding. You made me believe that we were in love and decided to elope. That’s why nothing made sense.” I shook my head. “Holy fuck, Hunt, were you waiting until I remembered to file the divorce papers? Or is that what you wanted to talk to me about before you left?”
    “Can we talk about this

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