Stitches In Time

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Book: Stitches In Time by KATHY Read Free Book Online
Authors: KATHY
wondering whether she should withdraw or attend to the new customer. Mrs. Baxter obviously wasn't about to conclude her business in a hurry.
    "I'll be with you in a minute, Mr. Dupuis," Kara said. "Mrs. Baxter, would you like Rachel to model the black dress? She's just Marian's size. What about another glass of punch?"
    It was very smoothly done. By the time Rachel had changed, Mr. Dupuis had selected a garnet bracelet for his wife and Kara had boxed and wrapped it.
    Mrs. Baxter loved the fashion show. Feeling like a fool, Rachel also modeled the green dress and the peignoir. After asking the price of the last, Mrs. Baxter decided on the black dress and Rachel was able to escape. Kara soon followed her into the kitchen.
    "Sorry about that, Rachel," she said. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot, but I had to do something to force that woman to a decision. She'd sit all afternoon if I let her."
    "What did she pick?" Cheryl asked. "Not the peignoir, I hope."
    "No, the black flapper dress. We'd be a thousand bucks richer if she'd bought the peignoir."
    " I don't care. I love that garment. It's Callot Soeurs— the only one we've ever had."
    "If you like it so much why don't you keep it?" Tony asked.
    Cheryl leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. "Too expensive. And too impractical. Besides, that pale pink is the wrong color for me."
    "The wrong color for mousy Marian too," Kara said cattily. "With those washed-out blue eyes and wispy hair she'd be practically invisible. It looked fantastic on Rachel."
    The compliment was too casual to be anything except genuine. The others studied Rachel with friendly interest and she felt herself blushing, not at Cheryl's additional compliments about her dark hair and eyes and "that pretty fresh complexion," or even at Tony's smiling agreement, but at the memory of how she had looked in the fabulous creation. She had had to take the pins and fasteners out of her hair so they wouldn't catch on the delicate fabric, and the image she had seen reflected in the long mirror was one she hardly recognized as herself. Like all inspired designers, the turn-of-the-century sisters had created not just a dress but a mood, a fantasy. Loosened hair tumbling over her shoulders, cheeks pink and eyes wide, her reflection in the mirror had suggested the cover of a particularly sloppy regency romance.
    "I'll take it," she said lightly, avoiding Tony's eyes. "On time, of course. Five bucks a week for the rest of my natural life."
    By the time the guests began to arrive, things were more or less under control. The family room had been cleaned and swept, the animals banished to an upstairs room, and the buffet table covered with a lavish spread, turkey and ham and roast beef and all the accoutrements, salads and sauces and rolls. And cookies.
    Cheryl hadn't forgotten a single cliche, not even the sprigs of mistletoe hung in strategic places. If any of the guests were inclined toward cynicism—and Rachel suspected at least one of them was—they kept their feelings to themselves. Everyone entered into the Dickensian spirit of the festivities, delivering and receiving brightly wrapped gifts, bellowing out carols, helping to decorate the tree, stuffing themselves with food, exchanging hugs and kisses and compliments.
    While the others were gathered around the piano singing, Rachel retreated to a quiet corner to catch her breath. It had been a long time since she had been part of such a large, boisterous group and her brain was overflowing with names she would never remember—or have cause to remember. Only two of the people she had met had made a permanent impression: one was a stocky young man with steady brown eyes, whom Tony had introduced as one of his subordinates. "He'll keep an eye on you and the shop while I'm gone, Rachel."
    Tom's expression indicated that the assignment was not unwelcome. "Sorry to say I've drawn a blank so far. But we'll track him down, don't worry. Call if anything at all happens."

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