Starting Fires

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Book: Starting Fires by Makenzie Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Makenzie Smith
thinking,” he said, smiling as he walked in. “But let me assure you, there is a method to my madness.”
    “Really?” I arched my eyebrows, not seeing how there could be any method amidst this chaos.
    “No. Actually there isn’t.” He dropped a big stack of receipts on his desk then reached around me to open one of his drawers. Inside were even more receipts and I felt an uneasy feeling wash over me. I wasn’t obsessive compulsive, but when it came to keeping books, and balancing spreadsheets, an overwhelming desire to be perfect and organized tingled in my veins.
    “Sheesh,” I mumbled. Lucas chuckled as he fished his keys out of the drawer. “I’m sorry,” I added—in a way, I was insulting him. “I’m an accounting major.” I said, hoping that would help clarify my shock.
    “I know. It’s a mess.” He dangled his keys and I followed him back into the stockroom. Cindy was already waiting for us and when she saw him, her face lit up—that is, until she saw me. The smile immediately vanished, but she recovered well. “Alright, let’s get going,” Lucas said and started for the door. Cindy latched onto his arm to support her “drunkenness.” I had a feeling she was putting us on, but whatever.
    Since I didn’t know what Lucas drove, I followed behind them. As we approached his vehicle, my mouth fell open. “She’s a beauty isn’t she?” Lucas grinned with pride. “1969 Buick Skylark 4 Door Hardtop.” He ran his hand across the hood with a heartfelt sigh. In the darkness, I couldn’t be sure what color it was, but it looked dark blue.
    Owning a vintage car only made Lucas seem more appealing. I crossed my arms over my chest and walked towards the back door. “I like it,” I told him not wanting him to know that I thought it made him more attractive, but also not wanting to be rude.
    “It’s gorgeous,” Cindy smiled over the top as she started to get in.
    “You mind riding in the back?” Lucas asked her. “I’m dropping you off first. No sense making Marzy crawl up front afterwards.”
    Her face fell, and she looked a little heartbroken. “It’s okay,” I said, hoping to make her feel better. “I don’t mind riding back here.”
    “No,” she turned to me with a forced smile. “He’s right. It makes more sense.”
    This is why I’d wanted to call Charles to come get me. I was so uncomfortable. If I hadn’t been there, Lucas and Cindy might be getting it on in about 20 minutes. I admit a part of me was jealous about that, but I also knew that I had no right to be. Whatever mutual attraction Lucas and I felt was just that—an attraction. I barely knew him. I knew he was charming, but he also might be a womanizing asshole.
    As we pulled out of the parking lot, I felt the tension in the air increase. Cindy’s audible sighs and grunts of frustration were hard to miss. Lucas turned the radio on, the volume low. After a few moments of silence, I couldn’t take it. “Your show was good,” I told him.
    “Thanks,” he replied not taking his eyes off the road. “Glad you could come.” Then back to the awkward silence. I leaned against the door and counted streetlamps as we drove. Not soon enough, we pulled into the driveway of a townhouse. Before the car even stopped, Cindy was opening the door. She slammed it shut and took off inside. “You’re welcome,” Lucas muttered as he reversed back into the street.
    “I think you embarrassed her,” I said.
    He snorted. “How?”
    “Well…” I trailed off, unsure if I wanted to tell him what I overheard.
    He flashed his handsome grin at me. “How did I embarrass her ? ”
    “When I went to the bathroom earlier, I overheard her talking about some guy she made out with in her driveway. She said that she was going to have him over again tonight and implied that there would be some… uh… stuff happening between them. I assume that guy is you, and I totally ruined it for her, so she’s pissed. And I don’t blame her, if I

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