STAIN (My Soul To Wake Book 1)

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Book: STAIN (My Soul To Wake Book 1) by Tara Oakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Oakes
man in existence is a hell of a lot better than just cool . I could have said anything. Fantastic. Wonderful. Amazing. Anything that would suggest I have a vocabulary beyond that of a Valley girl.
    Oh God! I’m driving myself mad. Just being this close to him is frying my brain cells. I’m turning into an idiot.
    “So where are we going, then?” Nina wants to know.
    “One of the oldest houses in town. Well… it used to be a house. It’s been abandoned for decades but, surprisingly, it’s pretty intact. The historical society won’t touch it. Needs too much work and it won’t bring in the tourists like some of the more famous houses do,” Will answers Nina, but there’s an unintended harshness to his tone. “It’s all about money and attractions with those people. To hell with all the real pieces of history that are just falling apart and decaying around here.”
    I can tell it’s a sore subject for him, the exposed flesh of his neck is reddening in stark contrast to the bright white of his shirt. His right hand is perched on the gear shift centered between us. I extend my fingers and touch his skin to reassure him.
    “It’s good that people like you actually remember, then. Keep those places alive before they’re forgotten.”
    His pointer finger maneuvers out from under my hand and wraps around my finger, squeezing thanks for acknowledging something clearly important to him. I leave my finger be, wound up in his.
    “So… is this like a date, you two?” Leave it to Court to have impeccable timing.
    Will and I answer simultaneously.
    He looks at me and cocks an eyebrow.
    We ask in unison again, this time answers switched.
    Court pats Will’s shoulder before sitting back. “I’m rooting for you. Really, I am.”
    Fifteen minutes and several turns later, we’re slowing into a small residential area. This one isn’t as grand as the one that welcomed us to town yesterday. Some of the houses are in disrepair, some in the early stages of neglect. Aging cars line the street and park in the drives of the small single-family homes that are most definitely part of the working class of this town.
    We pull to a stop in front of an empty lot. Well, empty of house, but full of trees.
    “This is it.” Will says, signaling our arrival.
    Court and Nina stare at each other. I decide it’s best not to linger long enough to give them cause to start to complain, so I open and shut my door quickly, leaving them isolated in the truck cab until they grow tired of it and join us.
    Will stands taller than I remember from last night, but one glance down explains why. He’s wearing thick-soled work-style boots.
    “It’s a short walk. They’ll catch up.” He takes my hand in his and leads the way down a thin but well-worn dirt path cutting its way through the brush.
    “Popular place, huh?” I ask him as we follow the steps apparently taken by others before.
    “Teenagers love to hang out and drink in these old houses. And…” he stops himself.
    “And what?”
    He exhales deeply. “And some people who follow old beliefs come to this place thinking it will bring them closer to…”
    He stops yet again and eyes me. I squeeze his hand. “To what?”
    “To power. Some say this is where witchcraft started in Salem.”
    He immediately judges my reaction.
    I laugh. “You know, I met a charming cashier on our way up here who told me to stay away from the crazies.”
    “Oh yeah?” He pulls me in close, arms resting loosely on my waist. A low-hanging branch soon appears, justifying his sudden move. He turns to face me, still close. Hands still positioned as before, however no more branches in sight. “So she thinks they’re crazies. Do you?”
    “I don’t know. I think there’s a lot of magic in this world. I’m just not sure it would fall under the category of witchcraft.” I answer the best I can. Truthfully, I’d never given the topic much thought.

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