Sons of God's Generals: Unlocking the Power of Godly Inheritance

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Book: Sons of God's Generals: Unlocking the Power of Godly Inheritance by Joshua Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joshua Frost
read. Read until you are full.” I want to devote this next section to my mom because Valentine’s Day was her birthday. And it happened that Valentine’s Day also became the day I first encountered the Holy Spirit.
    Valentine’s Day
    Aside from my nominal acceptance of Christ at age five, the first time I ever prayed to
specifically was in the spring of 2004. That’s right. It is totally possible for someone to grow up in the church, surrounded by miracles, prophecies, and angels and not know Jesus. Selah.
    Somehow God had absolutely
this sarcastic, movie-loving PK into attending a ministry school in Pasadena, California. After five months in the school, I began praying to Jesus and asking Him questions.
I started seeing prophetic pictures in my mind’s eye. This was a weird experience for me because, remember, I had not had a dream from God, had not had any sort of vision from Him, since I was seven years old. I had become convinced that God did not speak to me.
    I woke up on February 14, 2004 at 7 a.m. to attend our school’s morning prayer meeting. I had been to several of these meetings and not much enjoyed them. What did I know about praying? They were mostly a showcase for the good “prayer people” to strut their stuff. One moment I was sitting there silently. The next moment, to my surprise and everyone else’s, I was yelling. “I am not satisfied! I am not satisfied with a half portion of passion. I want a full portion of passion, and anything in me that wants less, cut it off!”
    That evening I went to my dorm room. I was sitting down, and a friend came in. We started talking about what we thought heaven would be like. I looked down, and my left foot was twitching. “That’s strange,” I thought. A few minutes later this twitching spread up my leg and escalated to outright shaking. Word spread to the other seven guys from my dorm, and suddenly my room was full of faces watching me, some understandably laughing. Then the shaking hit me so violently I knocked the chair I was sitting in against the wall and fell to the ground, writhing.
    Internally, my mind was scrambling. “What is going on, Jesus?” I thought. “Is this just spectacle?” Then the question from age seven returned:
Does God want to control me?
Still thrashing, and with all my peers around me, I focused on one leg. Could I stop one leg from shaking? The leg steadied. Yes, I could resist this shaking if I wanted to. I could say no. And at that moment, while shaking on the outside, I felt deep peace on the inside. God just wanted to roughhouse with me! And so I let Him.
    This encounter with the Holy Spirit lasted for two hours. Eventually a deep groaning came out of my mouth, and I ended up giving a prophetic word to a schoolmate I did not get along with! My classmates in response started interceding for our school and for each other, and then all eight of us entered into the most transparent and joyful time of confession I have ever experienced. I went to bed at 5 a.m. that Valentine’s Day, tired, covered in rug burns, and very much a new man.
    I told my parents all about it the next morning. Their joy for me soared through the roof. I felt a new emotion then. I think you would call it
For the first time I was proud to be part of this bizarre Goll family! I was proud that it meant being a person of encounter. And most of all, I was proud that Jesus wanted to know me. Though it took twenty years, my Lord was committed to pursuing me until I was His.
    Anyone Can Inherit
    My life contains a lot of unique or even sensational elements (angels, miraculous births, etc.) that you may or may not relate to. However, I hope there’s something good at the center of my story that
relatable—my desire to pass on the blessings of my parents to the next generation. For me these are things like the fear of the Lord, simplicity of worship, hearing God’s voice, servanthood, and God’s compassionate desire to

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