Something Sinful This Way Comes [McQueen Was My Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Read Online Something Sinful This Way Comes [McQueen Was My Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Karen Mercury - Free Book Online

Book: Something Sinful This Way Comes [McQueen Was My Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Karen Mercury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Mercury
Tags: Romance
buck to a helpless, lusty pool of yearning.
    Julian slowed his pumping, not wishing to irritate the cock. He was hesitant to let it go, but he had to in order to salaciously lick the seed that trickled down his palm to his wrist. When Nathan’s eyes opened, he didn’t look at Julian. In fact, he roughly shoved him off. Julian spun on his ass while Nathan got to his feet with his back to Julian, rearranging his penis inside his jock. He even shrugged back into his windbreaker, although it was nearing eighty degrees already.
    Is this going to be one of those encounters that no one mentions later? Julian supposed that would have to be all right with him. But he’d already agreed to spend the night at Nathan’s cabin. That offer was probably off the table now.
    But he was wrong. About no one speaking of it, anyway. Once Nathan had made himself decent, he spun on Julian. In his defense, he could have been angrier. He could have knocked Julian’s block off, especially spinning on his ass like he was now, like a schoolboy. “So that’s it. You’re gay. You thought I was hitting on you when I mentioned you could spend the night at my cabin?”
    Julian frowned, also standing with as much dignity as he could muster, brushing the red sandstone dust from his knees. “I wouldn’t say as I’m gay. Bi, if you want. I’m a man who recognizes a delicious stud when he sees one. I didn’t think you were hitting on me by inviting me to your cabin. It didn’t occur to me to make a move on you until I practically had my hands around your balls.” Instead of returning Nathan’s rage with rage of his own, Julian felt a grin spread over his face. “Nice, big, juicy balls, too, may I add.”
    Nathan glared at him, snapping a crease into the front of his windbreaker. “You may not add,” he seethed. But Julian had a feeling his ire was temporary. “Well, don’t think you can repeat that performance again. I’m not getting into it with anyone, male or female.”
    Julian chuckled. “I wasn’t asking anyone to ‘get into it.’” He shrugged. “It was just a damned hand job. Mighty spectacular hand job,” he added, just to rile Nathan and be ornery at the same time.
    Hands on hips, Nathan was looking up at Sam’s Steeple. “What do you think about this spire for a BASE jump?”
    When he looked over his shoulder at Julian, Julian’s heart melted. And after sticking to his guns for a full one minute about not hitting on Nathan again, that determination was already out the window. Julian knew that at the first opportunity, he’d be putting his hands all over that glorious body again. “BASE jump? You’re into that crazy, deadly sport? Sure, why not? You’re just a hair into BLM land. As long as you’re off Triple Play land, I don’t see why not. You wouldn’t want to rile up Xandra McQueen’s insurance adjusters.”
    “Yeah, that was the intention with choosing a platform that was —” Nathan stopped, frowning. “You know Miss McQueen?”
    Aha . Julian had scoped out that pretty southern gal immediately when he’d met her a few weeks back. Her syrupy drawl was like melted chocolate to the ears, and it was impossible to take one’s gaze from her voluptuous, pert figure. Julian knew she’d have her pick of every eligible man within a three hundred mile radius, but he’d also gotten the vibe that she wasn’t interested in that fact. A lesbian? He doubted it. There was something else Julian couldn’t put his finger on… “We met briefly when I had to express mail something else. Nice, innocent gal, though she has a lot to learn about the hospitality business.”
    Nathan was looking at something in the distance, past Julian’s shoulder. Julian turned and saw a horse heading their way. “Hmm. That’s odd. The lodge doesn’t rent horses, and the cattle ranch is on the other rim of Prism Canyon. Ho, Jesus.” Julian’s acute Native American eyes had instantly discerned it was Xandra McQueen herself heading their

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