Since Forever Ago

Read Online Since Forever Ago by Olivia Besse - Free Book Online

Book: Since Forever Ago by Olivia Besse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Besse
agreed with a giggle, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes blissfully as Max’s cheeks quickly reddened at her response. “Hey, what’s with the air?” she added with a frown, holding up a hand to block the vent in front of her as a stream of lukewarm air proceeded to blow out of it. “It’s freaking cold outside.”
    “Really?” Max choked out, turning away slightly so that she wouldn’t notice his flustered expression. “It, er, feels so, uh, stuffy in here.”
    “Weirdo,” she muttered under her breath before directing the air flow in his direction. “Anyway, I’m really glad I have you, Max. Thanks for... everything.”
    “Don’t even worry about it,” he quietly replied, glancing over to find her smiling at him.
    Just go ahead and fucking tell her, you idiot, he urged himself. This is literally the hundredth time that she’s left herself wide open for it. Just grow some balls and tell her how you really feel. It’s not that fuckin diff —
    “At least now I can go back to dating without worrying about all of this,” Riley said happily. “Imagine what a wreck I would’ve been if I still didn’t know my results!”
    Great fucking job, you useless sack of shit, Max silently berated himself, fighting the urge to repeatedly slam his forehead against the steering wheel. You really do deserve to be in the friend zone, jackass.
    “You’re really going to go back to dating?” Max asked, letting out a tired sigh. “What happened to ‘all guys are assholes’? You said that no member of the male species could be trusted!”
    “Sure, guys like Noah and Henry can’t be trusted,” Riley replied with a dismissive wave of her hand. “But I’m sure there are nice guys out there too! After all, you exist!”
    So date me , the voice inside Max’s head pleaded. Oh wait, that’s impossible, because this motherfucker right here is a complete pussy who hasn’t been able to tell you how he’s felt for the past fifteen fucking years!
    “Anyway, I can’t believe that Liz still hasn’t confronted that loser yet,” Riley continued, wrinkling her nose in disappointment. “She’s just been avoiding him this entire time! He thinks she has the flu!”
    “Really?” Max asked with a frown. He knew very well how uptight and downright hostile Liz was, so he was more than a little surprised that she hadn’t authored an exposé on his adulterous ways or set fire to the guy’s car yet.
    “Yea, she’s being really weird about it,” Riley told him with a shrug. “But whatever. I’m going to drag her out tonight to meet some new guys. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get lucky,” she added, letting out an incredulous laugh.
    Max looked over curiously, only to find that Riley was holding up an entire handful of the condoms that had been shoved into her bag. “Can you believe that the nurse gave me so many of these?” she asked with another cackle. “I bet I have, like, a hundred of them in here!”
    Max’s face immediately clouded over as she said this, his mind racing with unpleasant thoughts as he turned his eyes back to the road. What the fuck? What kind of irresponsible nurse hands off a year’s supply of condoms to one patient? I’m going to have to write a letter of complaint to the clinic’s director.
    “At least I’ll have a partner in crime now,” Riley babbled on as Max began to silently draft the angry letter in his head. “Get some double dates ready for us, okay? It’s going to be so much fun,” she concluded with another laugh, lazily flinging one of her billion condoms at Max. “I bet it’s going to be like Sex and the City !”
    Did I say letter? he grumbled to himself, glaring down at the condom that had landed in his lap. I meant a fucking fifty-page report.

    “P ass the fucking bag.”
    Riley let out a grunt of acknowledgement as she lazily kicked the bag of Kettle Corn across the sofa in Liz’s direction, shoveling a palmful of tortilla

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