Silver Bay Song

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Book: Silver Bay Song by M J Rutter Read Free Book Online
Authors: M J Rutter
awake and waiting to see the doctor, I think I was relieved and was about to leave when the same nurse came and told me he had asked to see me. I felt a pinch of guilt at the sight of him in the bed. He looked so pale and dehydrated, but for the first time since we had met, he had a sparkle in his eyes, one that hadn’t even been present when he smiled before. He looked full of hope and it unnerved me, I realized that I was falling for him and the reason I was so pissed at him was because he had let me down. If he had gone out with me then Keith wouldn’t have tried it on with me. Instead of turning to mush, instead of being sympathetic or kind, I snapped at him and left, and when I say left, I didn’t just leave the hospital, I left town.
    I stopped by my house for a few supplies and Misty’s bed and then we hit the road and left. No Kaden drama, no upsetting the neighbour and no more staring at him wishing we could feel something more than contempt. No, it was time to cut my losses and by leaving town I felt totally in control.
    I headed north towards the border; I stopped at a camp site and rented a cabin. I was fine, right up until I climbed into bed, the cabin was stuffy, the crickets were loud and I missed the sound of the ocean.
    In the few days I had known Kaden, he had worked his way under my skin. My thoughts and my dreams were filled with him, his smile, his movie star teeth. There was something about this guy, nothing I couldn’t put my finger on, but a genuine reason as to why he wanted to keep me at arm’s length. Did I appear to be that needy? So desperate that I had scared him off?
    As I lay there in the darkness, loneliness smothered me. It crept up from my toes and touched every part of my body, pressing down on my legs and abdomen, pinning me to the bed. Where the loneliness left its cold and prickly tingle, it was soon replaced by a pain, the pain I felt when Jay died, the pain of never knowing how it felt to be loved again. Not just a crush love like I felt for the male leads in my books, or the obsessive, close to stalking love that I feared Keith felt for me, but a love that was pure and new, a love that would warm my soul and ignite the fire inside. I mean, I was only human and like any other woman who had gone years without so much as a kiss let alone anything else, I hoped Kaden would have been the man to wake my dormant heart… but as I lay there, listening to Misty breathing and the slow and rhythmic beating of my empty heart, it felt like that concept was way out of my reach and it didn’t sit so well.
    I woke early after a loud bang shook the cabin. Rain lashed at the windows and the room lit up with lightening. Misty did her usual thing whenever we had a storm and curled into me under the covers. I didn’t have anywhere to go so we stayed inside, warm and dry. I found my latest book and read by lamp light until the storm finally passed.
    After spending almost a day hidden away from everyone and everything I finally took Misty out in to rain so she could do her business. I pulled my hoodie around my body and waited while she sniffed around in the bushes and grass. She turned to look at me and for the first time since I had bought her home, she actually looked scared. I knew then it was time to head home, she needed her home, her bowls and her beach and in truth, so did I. My mother always said to me when I was younger, you can’t run, it always catches you up. Only then, standing there as the rain poured over me, did I realize that running away was not going to change things, if I was truly going to stay away from Kaden, I had to do it from my house and not hiding away like I was in the wrong.
    I settled my bill and we drove back towards Silver Bay. I stopped for gas and got us both something warm to eat. By seven we were back on the road and heading home. The rain still poured as I pulled our bags out of the trunk and ran inside. I glanced up at Kaden’s but there was

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