Sidechick Chronicles

Read Online Sidechick Chronicles by Shadress Denise - Free Book Online

Book: Sidechick Chronicles by Shadress Denise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shadress Denise
Tags: United States, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Women's Fiction, Urban, African American
angry and I don't know what to do."
    "Put some clothes on Laurence."
    I didn’t want to hear anything about this romantic evening.  I wanted to know why he lied or left out parts of the story, whichever way he wanted to label it.
    "No. I'm not moving until you tell me what's going on.  Did someone say something to you? Are you hurt? What's going on baby? I'm worried now.  I don’t like to see you upset like this."
    He moved closer to me and I stepped back.
    He crunched up his eyebrows in that sexy way he always did when he was trying to make me laugh.  I was in no mood to laugh right now.  I went to stand by the closet so I could put some distance between us.  I could smell his body wash and it was causing me to lose focus.
    "Why didn't you tell me?"
    "Tell you what baby?"
    "Why didn't you tell me about your past?  Why did I have to hear about your past from Ambrosia! I've told you all my secrets.  Obviously, you didn’t trust me enough to tell me yours!"
    He leaned against the wall and put his head in his hand. I couldn't tell if he was frustrated or trying to think of a lie.  Either way his answer had better be good.
    "What are you talking about Aryelle? What is that you want to know?"
    "I want to know why you didn't tell me I wasn't the first person you cheated on your wife with! That's what the hell I want to know Laurence."
    "Okay first of all lower your voice. You don't need to yell and scream. We can talk without all of that.  You know where we are and why we have to keep our cool."
    "Don't tell me how the fuck to talk. You've been keeping secrets and I want to know why. Start talking and spare me the volume monitoring."
    He walked towards me.  He had a glare in eyes that screamed anger. I hit a nerve with cursing at him and I knew it.  I didn't care so he might as well move past it. He had been lying and I was pissed.
    "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to judge me like you're doing now.  I made some mistakes when I was younger. I didn't recognize when I had a good woman. I realize that with you and I'm trying to right my wrongs. I need you to believe in me. I need you to believe in us. Our love is different and it will be different between us."
    He pushed me against the wall and pinned himself against me. He wasn't getting off the hook that easy. I wanted to know about why he cheated on her mom. I wanted to know if this was a pattern with him or was I the last person.
    "But Ambrosia said...."
    He put his finger over my lips.
    "Ambrosia only knows what her mother has told her and that is partially tainted I'm sure."
    He was right. People always told the part they wanted you to hear.  The story always suited the storyteller, no one else.  I was letting some past issues come between us and that was foolish of me. Despite his past with her mom, it still didn't explain his relationship with his wife. I looked up at him. I wanted so badly to believe him. I wanted to know he was where he truly wanted to be.
    "I love you Aryelle. You are my future and for that reason alone my past no longer matters."
    He sounded so sincere.
    He smelled so good.
    He bent down and kissed me. I pulled the towel off his waist and dropped it on the floor.  He was rock hard and his body was perfectly chiseled.  For a 40 year old man he was great shape. I broke the kiss and he stepped back.
    "You love me huh?  Well prove it then."
    He walked back towards me. Pulled my arms over my head and completely ripped my dress and panties off.  He raised my leg and slid himself inside of me. He leaned closer and sucked on my earlobe before whispering in my ear, "This will be the last night you question my love for you."

    D estiny
    I was so happy everything was falling into place. Even to the point where I was going to call my sister and rub it in her face.  She had been telling me for years to

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