
Read Online Shmirshky by E - Free Book Online

Book: Shmirshky by E Read Free Book Online
Authors: E
colonoscopy too!) Maybe someday soon, all our shmirshky tests will be noninvasive. No more poking and smooshing!
    â€¢ The big question is whether to HRT 68 or not to HRT. Read about the WHI 69 and learn about its findings. There is a Hormone Therapy Menu on page 154 (no dessert on this menu, unfortunately). Understand the options available to you and talk about these choices with your doctor and SB. 70 Remember—whether you do HRT or not, it will be a process. It’s not black and white; rather, it’s a trial-and-error kind of experience. Be patient. You will find the answers. It all comes down to your quality of life . Think inside the box. If you listen carefully, your body will talk to you.
    â€¢ Host a Shmirshky Party! The Sisterhood may have great resources or doctors to recommend. If you share your experiences, they will share back. If you give them a cocktail, they will share more! You can find all kinds of fun Shmirshky Party tips, including a recipe for the Shmirshky Cosmo, at While you’re there, reach out to the network of shmirshkies and erlicks on the blog and message board. After all, reaching out is IN. Suffering in silence is OUT!
    â€¢ The period is quite the drama queen—never able to really decide whether or not to leave. Who knew that the period would love such dramatic good-byes? Enough already! A simple peck on the cheek would have been terrific. Be patient as the Period Queen makes her exit. Don’t be surprised if she pops back in before she finally leaves for good.
    â€¢ Sometimes I wished I had an erlick, because it seemed like life would have been so much easier. The truth is, erlicks have their fair share of health challenges. If you think you’re living with Grumpy (and you’re no Snow White), your favorite erlick might be experiencing male menopause. Too bad there aren’t two-for-one deals at your local blood lab.
    â€¢ Don’t give up. I hope this book will help you hit the shmirshky jackpot early, so you don’t suffer alone and without the proper support. No matter how long it takes for you to feel better, don’t lose hope. You are worth the effort!
    â€¢ Redecorating the shmirshky is not something to take lightly. If your doctor recommends a hysterectomy, be sure to get more than one opinion before booking the surgery. If you find that it’s your only option, do your own research and learn about the various types of surgeries and their potential side effects. Go over the options with your doctor and select the procedure that best fits your needs.
    â€¢ While you are handling the many challenges of the PM&M shmirshky, you may find that your shmirshky has moved to the Mojave Desert. Yes, your shmirshky is hot and parched! Don’t feel ashamed! There are many options available to you, so be open with your partner and your doctor. An oasis is right around the corner!
    â€¢ Many PM&M shmirshkies use acupuncture with great success. Don’t worry; they don’t put any needles in your shmirshky, so give it a whirl. Be sure to ask for the massage too. That was my favorite part.
    â€¢ Let your shmirshky go! Take everything out of that bulging emotional drawer. It can be a long process, but it is well worth the effort. There’s no need to stuff emotions away any longer. Experience them and let them be. Think of how much lighter you’ll feel!
    â€¢ Banish the sumo in your mind! Everybody has one, but when you’re living SUMO FREE, it’s really the most amazing way to be!
    â€¢ Bag up the clothes that don’t fit and make you feel horrible. No need to torture yourself anymore. Instead of focusing on how you look, focus on how you feel. Give yourself the gift of fun exercise and healthy eating. Love your body. You are beautiful just the way you are, even if PM&M changes things around a bit. Yes, you may find that during the different stages of PM&M there might be more of you to love. What’s

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