Shit Kickers & Stilettos (Heiresses In Aprons)

Read Online Shit Kickers & Stilettos (Heiresses In Aprons) by Rita Sawyer - Free Book Online

Book: Shit Kickers & Stilettos (Heiresses In Aprons) by Rita Sawyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Sawyer
on the other.
    Dade kept his mouth shut while they loaded their plates and discussed what Rosie should do about Walt. They all agreed that a small dose of revenge was due. Dade wouldn’t mind delivering a physical dose of punishment, but he knew it would only make things worse. He was going to have to let Rosie decided exactly what they were going to do and go along with it. After all this was her field of expertise. She’d been dealing with this crap her whole life.
    If he hoped to become a part of her life, even just as a friend, he needed to learn the rules. There was no one better to teach him the ropes than the woman herself.
    Dade loaded his fork with a chunk of steaming lasagna and lifted it in front of his mouth. He gently blew on it before sliding it into his mouth. The tang of the sauce hit him first, but mixed with the meat and cheese added to the flavor and texture. He closed his eyes and sighed as he swallowed. God, it was the best thing he’d ever tasted.
    “You like it?” Rosie asked.
    “Like?” Couldn’t she tell just be looking at him that he loved it. “That is an understatement.”
    “Complements should really go to Nicolette’s grandmother, it’s her recipe.”
    “Hers is amazing too,” Nicolette said with a smile. “But your version has something special.”
    They ate and laughed. Rosie’s friends held nothing back even though he was a perfect stranger to them. Dade was surprised to learn that Tiffany had an affection for animals big and small. Rosie explained that the rest of her family was allergic to most animals people had as pets, so she never got to have one growing up. Though he assumed Rosie had already done it he extended an invitation to come and enjoy their stables whenever she wanted. He promised to leave word with the stable manager to give her whatever she wanted. Sophia teased warning him that she’d probably move in.
    Rosie and the girls started discussing their schedules for the next few weeks. A lot of their appointments were covered by at least two of them, if not all. Dade listened and when they asked him what he had on his plate he jokingly said nothing and helped himself to more food. The entire meal was amazing, company and all. He’d never had thought he’d feel so comfortable being surrounded by four wealthy gorgeous women. Whoever was lucky enough to catch one of them better hold on tight, or he was a damn fool.
    “If you can handle it I’d like you to squeeze me into your schedule.” His comment caused an instant silence to settle over the room.
    “For what exactly?” Sophia asked before anyone else could.
    “Well, I’ve seen a few glimpses into your world and it’s only fair that you see mine.” He gave a shrug trying to make it seem like it was no big deal, but to him it kind of was. “I’ve scheduled those meetings we discussed.”
    “I guess you’re right. Teddy said that we should learn as much about each other’s roles in the business as possible.”
    “So you’ll give me some time?”
    “She will,” Sophia and Nicolette said in unison.

Chapter Five
    It took three attempts, but Rosie finally managed to spare some time to sit in on the meetings. They weren’t with the companies he originally chose, but Dade was okay with that. Mostly because he’d worked in a meeting with her uncle’s pet project. He was glad he was going to be able to introduce her to the owners. Dade knew she wasn’t blowing him off on purpose. The cause of the delay was another big event coming up. This one was Nicolette’s baby, but they all chipped in and did their part to make it amazing. These four women were busier than some of the most committed executives he’d worked with.
    She and Dade both agreed that in order for her to really be able to give Dade and the meetings her full attention she needed to clear a day on her schedule. Today was that day. She’d given a perfunctory knock as she walked into the office. Dade looked up at her and had almost

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