She's Got Game

Read Online She's Got Game by Veronica Chambers - Free Book Online

Book: She's Got Game by Veronica Chambers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Chambers
Tags: Fiction - Young Adult
obviously the better dancer. But what it suddenly felt like to Jamie, what she now understood for maybe the first time as he spun and dipped her and glided her from one side of the dance floor to the other, was that dancing was a conversation. And the things she couldn’t—wouldn’t—tell him yet in words, she could say with her moves.
    In honors English that year, their class had read James Joyce’s Ulysses . Jamie, who had found it interminable, had pretty much skimmed it, despite her teacher’s assertion that assigning them Joyce had been like giving them Christmas and Easter and the Fourth of July all rolled into one.
    Now, dancing with Dash, feeling the back and forth of his steps, all she could think of was the last line of Joyce’s book, from Molly Bloom’s soliloquy. The prose told about a girl who wasn’t sure how to let herself fall in love. A girl who finally decided to take a leap and just say yes. Just as Jamie was deciding now. Yes, Jamie kept thinking, yes, I said yes, I will, yes.

IT WAS NEARLY two a.m. when Dash pulled up in front of the Sosa house. Jamie sat in his mini Cooper convertible and tried to keep the silly grin off her face.
    â€œWell, I had a nice time,” Dash said after a moment of silence.
    Understatement of the year, Jamie thought, catching a glimpse of herself in the car’s side mirror. Her face was still sweaty—Carmen would have said, “dewy,” but Jamie called it what it was: sweaty. Dash, on the other hand, looked as if he’d just come from a leisurely day at the beach.
    â€œI had a nice time, too,” Jamie said, looking out the window, and praying that her mother had gotten her text message that she was out late, but hadn’t sat up waiting.
    Dash looked at her, as if contemplating what he would say next. For a moment, Jamie wondered if the amazing night had all been in her imagination. And then he asked, “Would it be okay if I kissed you?”
    Jamie sighed, stalling as she remembered the first time she had kissed a boy. Her mind flashed back to the Bronx. It had been so embarrassing. Fifth grade. Spin the bottle. Reinaldo Lopez. The moment had left a lot to be desired. Now she tried to think of something smart-alecky and clever to reply. But she couldn’t. So she just said the word that had been in her mind all night: “Yes.”
    Then his lips were on hers. They were pillow-soft, and Jamie felt herself get lost in the moment. This was unlike any kiss she’d had before—not that there had been many of those.
    Dash was an excellent kisser. So much so that Jamie soon found that trying to kiss him just once was like opening a bag of M&M’s and trying to eat just one. She kissed him again and again, happy, surprised that she’d found this person who could make her feel so comfortable and so good.
    Then she heard it. She felt it. Dash had unsnapped her bra.
    She pulled away. “What do you think you’re doing?” she asked.
    â€œI’m sorry.” Dash held up his hands. “It was an accident.”
    â€œBras are actually intricate pieces of technology,” Jamie said, growing furious. “They don’t come off by accident.”
    â€œI mean, it was an accident because I wasn’t thinking when I did it,” Dash said. Jamie couldn’t tell from the aggrieved expression on his face if he were genuinely sorry or just annoyed that she had pulled back.
    â€œClearly you weren’t,” Jamie said, her voice barely containing the rage she now felt. How could everything have been so perfect five seconds ago? She felt as if she’d been thrown back into boarding school. “Just because I don’t have money like you, just because I’m from the Bronx, you think you can slide to second just like that? I bet you wouldn’t try that with one of the girls from your fancy prep school.”
    Reaching for the handle, she flung the car door open and

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