Shadows at the Spring Show

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Book: Shadows at the Spring Show by Lea Wait Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Wait
show made lots of money for the agency. And if she did apply to be an adoptive parent (when she did, Maggie mentally corrected herself), she’d know a lot more about adoption than she had a year ago.
    Last night’s conversation with Ann kept coming back to her. She didn’t agree with Ann’s limitations on what child she might adopt, but Ann was correct in thinking that adopting an older child, one who came with emotional baggage and might be another race, or from another culture, would change her life completely. Was she ready to cope with all the issues Holly and Rob dealt with every day? How was Holly this morning? Had Jackson come home?
    “Professor Summer?” Claudia Hall, the American Studiesdepartment secretary, was standing in the door of Maggie’s office, a cup of coffee in one hand and a bag of chocolate kisses in the other. Her blouse strained a bit at the buttons, she wore a bright yellow-flowered skirt, and her tangled brown hair was under more control than usual.
    “Yes, Claudia?” Maggie took a sip of her Diet Pepsi. It was never too early for Diet Pepsi.
    “Have you seen Uncle Sam?”
    “I haven’t,” Maggie answered. Since she’d removed the large potted snake plant from her office, she didn’t see the American Studies cat as often as she used to. “Have you checked Paul Turk’s office? Sam’s taken a liking to the schefflera in there.”
    “I’ll check,” said Claudia. “I’m not worried. He’ll probably appear as soon as I open a can of cat food. Maybe he’s avoiding me because he knows that today’s the day he goes home with me for the summer. He hates the cat cage. Anyway, I meant to tell you that Oliver Whitcomb called Friday afternoon, after you’d left. He wants to be at the meeting with the facilities management staff you’re having this morning. I told him it would be in the conference room over at the gym. I hope that was okay.”
    Maggie sighed. “That was fine, Claudia.” The gymnasium was technically WHITCOMB gymnasium, and Oliver was the benefactor who’d made it possible. He was no longer a member of the board of trustees, but he still kept involved with events on campus. Especially events involving his gymnasium. He’d been the one to convince the board to donate the space as a gesture of community support for the antiques show, so he was welcome at the meeting. As long as he didn’t get in the way. Sometimes Oliver forgot he was no longer running a corporation.
    “Two more students called to volunteer to help with the antiques show—Kendall Park and Kayla Martin, from Whitcomb House. I told them about the meeting on Wednesday.” Claudia bent down and stage-whispered, “I’ve seen Kendall and Kayla together a lot recently. Wouldn’t it be great if they got married? Two single parents. They’d have an instant family.”Claudia looked closely at Maggie. “You look tired this morning. Late night grading exams? You need some fast energy.” She poured a dozen chocolate kisses onto Maggie’s desk.
    “Thank you. I guess I am tired.” Maggie glanced at her watch. “You’re right; I was up late. I’d better get moving if I’m going to be at the gym on time.” She picked up her black binder and one of the chocolate kisses and headed for the door. “You know my schedule; just try to keep the place from falling apart while I’m gone.” She hesitated. “And lock my office, Claudia; there are exams in here.”
    Once last fall, Maggie’s office had been trashed. Now she locked it even when she was going to the ladies’ room.
    “Don’t worry, Professor Summer. I’ll take care of it.” Claudia popped a chocolate kiss into her own mouth. “You don’t have to worry about anything here. In fact, I wondered if I could go to the meeting with you. I’ve been thinking about all you’ve been doing for Our World Our Children, and I’d like to help with the show. Would you mind? I could take notes. Or run any errands you needed help with.”

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