Sexy As Hell

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Book: Sexy As Hell by Andrea Laurence Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Laurence
envelope in his hand. Seth snatched the package and waved as he jogged back to the building. " Thanks, Jeff! "
    He couldn’t get back fast enough.

    6 : 25 A.M.
    " Thank God, " Camille exclaimed as he burst through the door. She couldn’t wait to get out of this cell and get her hands on the man that had saved her. She’d watched Seth for weeks, hoping she would run into him in the hallways of their building, but he’d never asked her out. Her mother had raised her to wait for a man to come to her, so she had tried to be patient. Now that she was so close to getting what she wanted, she couldn’t bear the separation anymore. " I don’t think I can wait much longer for you. "
    Seth stopped in the doorway, taking in the sight of her and ripping open the package. The intensity of h is hazel gaze on her body was like a caress. T he key slid into his hand, h e tossed the packaging away and crossed the room in three large strides. His hands were shaking with nervous anticipation, but this time, it didn’t keep the key from slipping into the lock. The door swung open. " You don’t have to, " he said.
    At last. C amille stepped out of the cell and summoned a look of wicked determination. Being possessed by a succubus was not an experience she wanted to repeat, but she’d learned a few things by sharing a consciousness with a being focused solely on pleasure. Isra knew exactly what Seth wanted. Some of the thoughts had shocked her. Others had intrigued her. But mainly it was an air of confidence that was important . Knowing Seth wanted her more than anything was empowering. Now was the perfect time to put that knowledge to good use.
    Her gaze fixed on him , her fingers moving along her blouse buttons and exposing her skin inch by inch. She let her blouse slid e off her shoulders and fa ll to the floor. The red and pink lace bra followed. When Isra had shed her clothes, Seth had averted his eyes. This time, Seth allowed his gaze to settle on the full, round globes of her breasts and the hard pink nipples that seemed to be reaching for him. They ached for him to touch them, but he held his ground, his hands curled into tight fists. He had an amazing amount of self-control. At the moment, she wished he would just cut loose.
    When Camille unzipped her skirt and eased it over her hips , t he key slipped from Seth’ s finger s and dropped to the concrete floor with a loud clank. She could see the tension in his body, the battle raging in his eyes. He’d spent twenty-four hours trying to avoid the very pleasures Camille was offering. He’d trained his brain to resist her. Now she would have to seduce him .
    With a sly curl to her full, sensuous mouth, Camille sauntered over to him. She ignored the part of her brain that worried about her being so exposed. He obviously liked what he saw. Seth swallowed hard, unable to tear his eyes away from her firm thighs and the cropped, golden curls of her sex.
    " You’re gorgeous, " he said.
    Camille fought the blush of embarrassment. She planted her hands on her hips and cocked an eyebrow at him. " Do y ou like what you see? "
    " Absolutely. I very nearly gave up my soul for that body. "
    If that didn’t boost a woman’s ego, nothing would do the trick. " Then touch me, " she demanded.
    When Seth hesitated again , Camille reached out for his hands. She placed one on each of her breasts. He groaned low in his throat as his rough palms grazed over her silky skin and pebbled nipples. The pleasure of his touch washed over her. She tipped her head back and let her eyes close to savor the sensation.
    From there, Seth’s hesitation vanished as quickly as her clothing. His mouth met hers with a punishing kiss. Most of the kisses she’d experienced in her lifetime were soft, sensual experience s , but there was nothing but raw heat between them now. His tongue glided along hers. Her teeth nipped hard at his bottom lip. She wanted to devour him.
    She let her hands roam over the hard

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