Seducing Megan: Prossers Bay Series Novella

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Book: Seducing Megan: Prossers Bay Series Novella by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
Tags: Contemporary Romance
    He smiled. “How could I forget? We’d better get going if we’re going to make the reservation. Are you ready?”
    “Give me a few minutes to talk to Lisa.”
    “Where is she?”
    “In the bedroom. She’s shy around men, so don’t take it personally.”
    Megan walked quickly into the bedroom and pushed the door almost shut. Her pulse was racing and she took her time with Lisa, trying to calm herself down. Why him? Why did he have to be the one to waken her from her happy state of celibacy? Well, maybe she had felt a twinge or two since the girls had been born, but never enough to act on it. Until now.

    Chapter Seven
    Megan disappeared into a room off the living room, and he could hear her talking softly. Cody, the noisy twin, had gone with her mother so it must be Mia who still stood quietly, watching him from a very cautious few feet away. He suspected that he should probably make an effort with both girls if he stood any chance of dating their mother. What did children like to talk about? Themselves?
    “How are you doing at school, Mia?”
    “Very well, thank you.”
    “I hope your mom likes steak.”
    “She does, but not too red. The blood makes her feel sick,” she said seriously.
    “Good to know. What about you?”
    “I don’t like it very much. It gets stuck in my teeth.”
    “I see.”
    “I like chicken.”
    “Chicken’s good.”
    “Will you come and stay here?”
    What did that mean? “When?”
    “After dinner.”
    Ah, now he understood. And he wouldn’t mind that one little bit, but it didn’t seem likely. “No. I don’t think so,” he answered honestly.
    “That’s good. We don’t really have enough room for any more people. That’s why we don’t have a daddy.”
    Jordan coughed in case he laughed, and because he had no clue how to answer that. Luckily Megan chose that moment to return.
    She bent down and gave her daughter a big cuddle, then kissed her on the cheek. Mia held on to her arms, reluctant to let Megan go.
    “It’s okay, baby, I won’t be gone too long. Be a good girl for Lisa. It’s nearly time for bed, so no fussing, okay?”
    “Yes, Mommy.”
    The little girl’s mouth quivered a bit, pulling at his heart strings, which was a first, but Mia faced them stoically as they went out the door, and then ran to the living room to wave at them through the window.
    “Mia’s amazing, and very cute.”
    “They both are,” Megan said forcefully.
    “But Mia was the one who was so concerned about you.”
    Megan bristled beside him. “Don’t make the assumption that Cody is any different where I’m concerned. She just has a different way of expressing herself.”
    “I wasn’t suggesting anything by it.”
    Megan huffed, and then relaxed a little. “I guess I’m a little sensitive about them. They only have me, so if I don’t stick up for them nobody else is going to. The girls have their own personalities, and I love them equally because of, not in spite of it.”
    He’d have to watch what he said about the little princess and the dynamo. Oops, he’d already pegged the two girls, so what did that say about his usual aversion to children?
    “Sounds like wise words. I hope you don’t mind going to Louis’s, just outside town?”
    “Not at all. I think it’s nicer if we aren’t around too many people that we know. Not that we have anything to hide, but gossip is as rife in Prossers Bay as it is in any small town.”
    The words came out in a rush and Jordan accepted that she had to remind him that this wasn’t a real date – in her eyes anyway. He didn’t want to tease her tonight. He wanted to have a nice time with her so that she could see they might have something here. Not that he wanted a ready-made family. No, he couldn’t see himself settling down just yet. But he knew Megan and the girls were a package, so like he’d already decided, he’d have to man up and get the twins on his side if he wanted Megan to spend any time with

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