Second Chances

Read Online Second Chances by Abbie Williams - Free Book Online

Book: Second Chances by Abbie Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbie Williams
Tags: United States, Romance, Contemporary, Family, Adult, divorce, Nature, Women, teen, love, Pregnancy, Minnesota, Williams
honey,” Rich said as he took a seat on the chair near the bed. I shifted position to slip off my sandals and then sat cross-legged on the mattress, folding my hands together like an obedient elementary school student. Blythe reached over and curled one big hand around both of mine, and I wound my fingers through his from either side, squeezing him hard for a second.
    â€œSo what’s happened since Friday?” I asked, directing my question to Rich.
    Rich blew out an elongated breath through pursed lips, an age-old habit and one I recognized from my childhood. He plucked for a moment at the slim pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, almost unconsciously, before his right hand roamed back to join the left and he began twirling his thumbs around one another, again a familiar gesture. At last he said, “Well, we got in Saturday afternoon. I rode down with Bly, but I’ll fly home when it’s time. We spent last night at Christy’s but there just ain’t any room there, which is why we’re here now. Christy seems to think that the charges will blow over.”
    â€œI talked to Dale yesterday,” Blythe said quietly, squeezing my fingers this time, as though he needed reassurance. “He’s my parole officer. He says we can probably get before a judge by Tuesday or Wednesday. He told me to lay low until then.”
    â€œJackson won’t be pressing any charges,” Rich said then, and I looked back at him in surprise.
    â€œDid you talk to him?” I asked.
    Rich shook his head and then clarified, “No, but Jillian and your mom did, just this afternoon. It sounds like he’s sorry for how he acted the past few days. He said to tell you he’s sorry about last night.”
    I cringed internally, wishing that Rich could have had the foresight to deliver this news without Blythe hearing. It wasn’t that I wanted to keep any secrets, but I’d already put Jackson’s obnoxious behavior behind me; his alleged apology meant next to nothing now. Altogether I was glad Jackson was over a thousand miles away as Blythe’s eyebrows drew slightly together and he asked, “What?”
    I sighed a little and said, “He showed up drunk at the café and was acting like a jerk again.”
    Blythe grasped my hands a little more tightly but his tone was soft as he said, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
    â€œIt’s all right,” I assured him. “We had to talk about the girls anyway. He told them they could come to live with him and Lanny in Chicago, but thank God they don’t want to. And it was an empty promise anyway. I know they couldn’t handle three teenagers, plus a new baby.”
    Blythe’s expression softened as he asked, “How are the kids doing? I miss them, and Clint. The whole place. It was so hard to walk away. God, I was dying.”
    â€œThey miss you too,” I said, my eyes absolutely devouring him. I loved Rich, but good Lord I wished he had his own motel room at the moment. I held Bly’s hand between mine and tried to redirect my thoughts.
    â€œThey don’t think I’m an asshole for punching out their dad? God, Joelle, when he flung you against the wall I was ready to kill him.”
    â€œNow, Bly,” Rich interrupted.
    I said, “No, no, I know you were just angry. And protecting me. But honestly, Jackson was just caught off guard because I hit him. He wouldn’t ever hurt me. I mean, not physically, not on purpose.” I was babbling a little, the strain of the whole past few days hitting me again. I closed my eyes and breathed through my nose for a moment, collecting myself. When I opened them again, Bly was looking at me with such love, such concern, that my heart leaped towards him; it took all of my willpower not to follow and knock him backward onto the bed.
    I swallowed and then deliberately turned to ask Rich, “So what next?”
    Rich settled his ankle on the

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