Screaming Yellow

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Book: Screaming Yellow by Rachel Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Green
Tags: Gay Studies, Social Science
the corners of his eyes. “Did we have an arrangement tonight? I must have forgotten.”
    Nicole held up the book of poetry and his face fell. “Did you write this?”
    He nodded, crossing the gap between the door and the bed to sit next to her. He fumbled for her hand. “Don’t tell anyone. We’re not supposed to profit from our positions here.”
    “That depends how good you are.” She reached back and unhooked her bra. “Let’s make haiku together.”
    * * * *
    The dinner was a quiet affair if you discounted Mary’s constant monologue about her engagement. Jennifer was sick of hearing about it even before the main course was served. There were only so many times one could feign interest.
    “Have you met Amanda?” asked Robert, when the girl who’d opened the front door came in to take away the remains of the soup course. “She’s staying with us for a little while for some training.”
    “Briefly, at the door.” Simon half stood and held out his hand. “How do you do? I’m Father Brande and this is my sister, Jennifer.”
    Jennifer smiled, noticing the maid’s honey complexion. “Where are you from, Amanda? Spain?”
    “No, ma’am. Basingstoke. My mother’s Spanish, though.” Amanda had a soft, lilting voice and was clearly nervous in front of guests. She gathered up the bowls with an efficiency any restaurateur would envy.
    “How long have you had her?” Simon asked when Amanda left the room.
    “What?” Robert seemed startled by the question. “Oh. A month or two. Not long. She’s quite good, isn’t she?”
    Jennifer raised her eyebrows but Simon seemed to be deliberately looking away. This at least was a piece of news and she wondered how to work Amanda into her web of Robert’s theoretical harem.
    Simon busied himself with his napkin. “Is Susan all right? She was leaving just as we arrived.”
    “Was she?” Robert looked around the table. “I hadn’t noticed she wasn’t here, to be frank. Her duties are fairly light with Richard away.”
    “Talking of which, how did he propose?” Simon addressed the question to Mary, who was only too happy to discuss the unexpected web chat that initiated such a change to her life.
    Jennifer had memorized the details by the arrival of the main course and watched as Simon tucked into the beef and vegetables as if he hadn’t eaten for a week. Robert merely picked at his, pushing the plate away before it was even half finished.
    The one-sided conversation from Mary died out by the time they were served cheesecake and coffee. Jean had remained as silent as her brother throughout the meal and even Jennifer, usually so eager to gather gossip, had seemed subdued.
    When Amanda had cleared away dessert, Robert looked up. “Would you care for brandy and a cigar in the library, Simon?”
    Jennifer pursed her lips, knowing this was an opportunity to gather information she wouldn’t be privy to. Simon would be insufferably smug about it afterward. “I’d be delighted,” he said, rising. “If you’ll excuse us, ladies.”
    The moment they’d gone, Mary left the table too, her heels clattering as she dashed up the stairs. Jean watched her daughter until she was out of sight, a smile on her face.
    “It’s lovely to see her so happy.”
    “It is.” Jean looked at her with narrowed eyes and Jennifer felt she was being judged. “I wonder if I could ask you a favor.” Jean leaned forward to close the gap between them. “Would you mind talking to Robert for me? I’d ask your brother but Robert has a soft spot for the ladies.”
    “I’ll try.” Jennifer held her hand. “What about?”
    “Mary. She doesn’t really have anything of her own. Anthony, my late husband, didn’t leave us much and it was good of Robert to take us in.”
    “So?” Jennifer filed away the tidbit of information. “How can I help?”
    “Would you mind asking what sort of settlement he’s going to make on her? I know he’s not really obliged to give her

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