Scene of the Climb

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Book: Scene of the Climb by Kate Dyer-Seeley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Dyer-Seeley
team. I think our readers will really love to learn about what it’s like to train at your level.”
    Alicia’s eyes traveled in the direction of Lenny and Leaf. They looked an odd match—a hippie and thug who looked like they were sparring on the side of a mountain. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but could tell from their rigid body language they weren’t swapping trail secrets.
    Alicia leaned toward me and spoke quietly. “You want a story? Do a little research into those two. There’s shady stuff going on. This show is going to blow up.”
    What did she mean? Before I could ask her she stopped abruptly and shouted to Lenny and Leaf, “I’m outta here! See if you can catch me.” With that she leapt over the rocks and was gone.
    Odd response. What were Leaf and Lenny arguing about?
    Although Lenny outweighed Leaf by at least fifty pounds, Leaf didn’t appear to be backing down. In fact, Gam would say he was holding the space between them. His body was poised in a hardened yoga stance.
    Whatever he said to Lenny made Lenny’s chest muscles deflate. If only I could hear what they were saying. Drama made for the best stories.
    I scrawled a couple sentences on my notebook and called Leaf over.
    â€œTell me about your impressions of this first hike. I know you’re an Oregon native, but how does it compare to other climbs you’ve done?”
    Leaf looked at me with lazy eyes. “Not really a climb, is it? But hey, it’s cool ’cause this is what it’s all about—communing with nature, becoming a breathing part of the ecosystem.”
    He paused, closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “You know, man, this is where I live. I’m part of this.”
    I tried not to stare at his feet, but couldn’t help myself. His calluses reminded me of stale chicken nuggets. Gross.
    Leaf caught me staring and lifted a foot in the air. “It’s taken me years to build these.”
    â€œDoes it hurt? What about rocks and prickly vines?”
    â€œA knife couldn’t cut through this.” He stuck a dirty fingernail into his heel to prove his point.
    â€œWould it be safe to say you’re happy to be able to share this experience and your home—Oregon—with everyone who’ll watch the show?”
    Leaf’s body stiffened. “I didn’t say that.”
    â€œOh, uh, I guess I assumed you would.”
    â€œYou assumed wrong.”
    â€œWell, what I’m trying to get at is obviously, you’re really in touch with nature. Aren’t you excited a national television program is going to showcase that?”
    Glancing over at Lenny who was sunning himself on a rock, Leaf shook his head with disgust. “No. I’m pretty bummed to see where the show’s going. Dave promised me it would be the first eco-show in the U.S. I’m looking into some other options to make that happen.”
    I looked at him with surprise and whispered, “Really? Like what?”
    Before he could answer, we heard Alicia shouting from the summit, “Come on, guys! Get up here. I want to go.”
    Leaf’s lanky body disappeared over the rocks and Lenny took his cue. He squeezed his beefy body next to mine on the rock. I scooted to the edge. It was sharp and dug into my thigh.
    â€œSaved the best for last, eh, babe?” He put his hand on my knee.
    Oh God, why had I left him last? This was a big mistake. I was stuck on the ledge with a wannabe Jersey mafia member.
    â€œUh, okay. So, Lenny,” I said, removing his hand from my knee. “How does this experience compare to other locations you’ve seen?”
    â€œThe ladies are hot as shit?” He ogled me.
    I laughed uncomfortably. “Uh-huh. Anything else?”
    â€œNot really my thing—no nightlife here, no bling.”
    â€œBut what about the race? Haven’t all the legs of the race been filmed outdoors?”
    â€œYeah. Still

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