Saving Forever - Part 4

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Book: Saving Forever - Part 4 by Lexy Timms Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexy Timms
minutes?” He winked and headed to the bathroom.
    When she heard the shower door close she whipped off the outfit and settled for a tank top and a pair of his boxers. She climbed into bed and settled under the sheets, leaning against the headboard.
    Elijah returned with just a towel around his hips. He smiled at her but didn’t say anything.
    “Now what?” she asked wearily.
    “Nothing.” The corners of his mouth lifted slightly.
    She glanced down. Nothing. She shrugged. “How was Simon?”
    Elijah lifted the sheet and let the towel fall to the floor before hopping onto the bed. He moved so fast Charity didn’t get a chance to peek. “Simon’s very pumped.”
    “So is Julie.”
    “It’ll be a fun trip.”
    “Does my father have to go?”
    “I’m kidding. He can hang with your mom. It’ll be the wicked witch of the east and the wicked warlock of the west.”
    Elijah stared at her face, grinning and holding back his laughter. “My mother is not a witch. Wait till I tell her you said that.”
    Charity reached for the light beside her bed. She snuggled down under the covers. “Do it and you’ll have the worst honeymoon known to mankind.”
    “Fair enough.” He scooted over to her, chuckling. “I’m glad you’re back here.”
    She sat up and flipped the light back on. “What is so stinkin’ funny?”
    He pulled her down so she lay on top of him. “Kiss me.” He didn’t wait for her to respond, he pressed his lips hard against her and took her breath away. Too soon he pulled back and looked at her, watching her eyes.
    Charity stared into his before letting her gaze trail down to his lips… covered in bright red lipstick. “Ahh crap,” she muttered and leaned over him to grab some Kleenex from the nightstand. She wiped his face and then her own. “Is it off?” The pink and red on the Kleenex seemed to shout yes.
    What a night this turned out to be!
    “Come here, gorgeous.” Elijah rolled her beside him and began to caress her with his hands while gently kissing her. They stayed that way a long time. He eventually coaxed her into rolling over and snuggled against the curve of her body.
    She sighed contently. “I believe that’s the best make-out session I’ve ever had.” She relaxed into the pillow and mattress, blissfully happy to be home.
    “Cool. ‘Cause that’s all the action you are going to get for the next couple of weeks.”
    She shifted slightly and raised her head to look at him. “Seriously?”
    He kissed her bare shoulder. “Sure, why not? I’m game if you are?”
    “We going to flip a coin and see who has to say our wedding vows first then too?” she joked.
    Elijah rolled over and opened the drawer of the nightstand and pulled out a quarter. “You call it.” He flipped the coin in the air.
    She didn’t have time to think. “Heads. Heads!” she shouted, laughing.
    He caught it as she said it the second time and held it out to her. “Tails. Guess I win.” He tossed the coin back in the drawer. “I’ll go with second. You know, lady’s first.”
    She turned the light out again. Elijah settled against the curve of her body again. “You do realize,” she said to him, “that you’re going to have to start wearing boxers or something to bed if you want to keep this abstinence vow.”
    “Deal.” He pressed his face against her back and she could feel his hot breath against her. He put his head on his pillow. “If I have to wear boxes, then you can’t be dressing up all dirty, looking all bad-ass.”
    “I’m bad,” she whispered, trying not to laugh.
    “So bad,” he agreed. His finger traced a light imaginary line up along her hip and ribs.
    “Terrible,” she giggled.
    His hand reached under her as he pulled her closer to him. “What am I going to do about it?”
    “Punish me?”
    He chuckled. “I highly doubt it.”
    She pressed her hips against his and smiled when he groaned and shifted slightly to hide his growing

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