Saving Anya

Read Online Saving Anya by Latrivia S. Nelson - Free Book Online

Book: Saving Anya by Latrivia S. Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Latrivia S. Nelson
important to her. She hadn’t even noticed that Davyd was nowhere in sight.
    Dmitry stopped talking and looked at his broken wife. He could handle his own emotions, but hers were not so pliable.
    Quietly, he made his way up the long stairs to the trembling little figure and quietly whispered the news.
    “ Our Anya has been kidnapped.” That was all that he said before she nearly collapsed. He caught her quickly in his arms and looked back at his men.
    “ The men have been called up, sir. They will be here within the hour,” one of Dmitry’s closer bodyguards answered at the base of the limestone staircase.
    Dmitry didn’t answer the man. There was no need. Everyone knew that the boss was the verge, and all he needed was a little nudge to go completely over. And no one wanted to see a seven-foot, three-hundred pound killer get anymore pissed off this morning.
    Still in his own pajamas, Dmitry turned away from the people who were supposed to protect his family and picked his wife up in his bulging arms and carried her quickly inside. His robe flew back in the wind as he opened the door.
    Royal felt as though she was having another out-of body-experience, like this wasn’t really happening. She could handle being raped, nearly killed, even abducted herself, but the thought of what could be happening to her daughter at that very moment was enough to drive her insane.
    Even though she knew what he was about to say before he said it, when he said it, it became real, unbearable. The weight of Dmitry’s words tore at her troubled soul and all that she could manage to get out in between the wretched, helpless sobs was her daughter’s name.
    “ Anya,” she moaned in sheer agony. “Oh, God. My baby,” she wept.
    Dmitry did little to comfort his poor wife at first, but finally he came to his senses. Snapping out of his own shock, he held her close to his concrete chest that was now freezing from being exposed in the cold Czech air while he searched for his daughter. His large, dirt-stained hands rubbed through her hair as he carried her back up the many stairs to the second floor, but his eyes were cold like the icy lake lining the back of their property. The lines on the sides of his face showed as he frowned and his age was suddenly apparent as he strained to hold it together, when all he wanted to do was explode.
    When he arrived back to their bedroom, he placed her on the bed slowly.
    “ I want my boys,” she said, trying to get back up from the bed. At this point, she didn’t want anyone out of sight, not even Dmitry.
    “ They don’t need to see you like this,” he said, holding her back.
    “ And where is Davyd? What did he do in all of this?” her eyes were wide with curiosity.
    Dmitry looked away. “Davyd is dead. He lost his life trying to save Anya’s.”
    “ No,” Royal cried again. “No, Dmitry…” Even in the pain that she felt for her own daughter, she knew well how much Dmitry had loved Davyd. They were like brothers, more so, Davyd had been the only father that Dmitry had truly ever known. Now, he too was dead. It was all too much. Feeling as though she was suffocating, she tried to move again, to get to her boys and hold them tight, make sure that they were okay.
    “ Wait,” Dmitry said in a deep baritone that shook the room. He swallowed hard and kneeled down in between her legs to talk to her. His dirty, wet pajamas left smudges on their plush crème Venetian rug as he did. Holding both of her arms in his rigid hands, he adjusted his tone, knowing that she needed to be soothed, not further agitated.
    “ Look at me,” he said, lifting her chin to see into her worried pupils. His eyes, a pale blue now, barely blinked. He took another breath as he tempered the growing chaos inside of him. “I know that right now your faith in me has all but disappeared, but you have to believe me when I say that I will get her back…or I won’t come back. I love Anya with my entire being.” He fought the

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