Save Me

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Book: Save Me by Ashley Monahan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Monahan
to say I’m a contradiction.”
    “You’re a ‘bad boy’ who doesn’t want to be so bad.”
    Marc chuckled.
    “Yeah, pretty much.”
    A song started to play softly.
    “My phone.”  Marc sat up.
    “Don’t answer it.”  Mercy didn’t want an interruption.  She just wanted to lay with him.
    “ I have to.”
    “Let it go to voicemail.”
    Marc reached down and retrieved his phone from his jeans pocket ignoring her plea.
    Mercy sat upright and covered her chest with a blanket.
    “Yeah, it’s taken care of…no, she won’t be a problem, I promise…I’m busy right now…I’ll be there.”  Marc tucked the phone back in his pocket.
    “You have to leave.”  Mercy found herself disappointed.  She had no reason to be.  It wasn’t as though she was going to have a relationship with this man.  It would be one night, this night, and she’d never see him again. 
    “Do you want me to leave?” he asked.
    “Not yet.”
    “Then I’m not going anywhere.”  He laid back in the bed with her and pulled her against his chest and covered them up.
    Marc’s hand worked down her once injured leg caressing it.  His touch was soft and caring.  No one had ever touched her leg besides medical staff.  It moved her.
    “Does it still hurt?” he asked lowly.
    “Some days.”  She cleared her throat hiding the emotion caused by his touch.
    Marc let his hand linger on her thigh.
    “I’m truly, with all of my heart, sorry for that day.”
    Mercy tucked her head into the crook of her neck and closed her eyes.
    “I’m glad it was you .”  She breathed his intoxicating scent and her tension eased.  “I would have died if not for you.”
    “You nearly died because of me.”
    “If it had been any of those other racers, I would be dead.  They wouldn’t have stayed at my side, held my hand, calmed me like you did.  If it had to happen, I’m thankful you were there to save me.”
    Marc tuc ked her hair behind her ear.
    “You amaze me.  Thank you.” 
    He rolled her atop of him and kissed her thoroughly.  She felt him ready for her again. 
    After three utterly fantastic rounds of sex, Mercy was nuzzled against him sound asleep.  Why she asked him to stay, why she gave herself to him fully, he didn’t understand, but he was thankful.  Marc knew he’d never again have a woman such as her.  Beautiful, forgiving, a little fireball…a decent woman.  He didn’t meet many of those in his line of work.  Nor did he want to.  She was too good for him.  He needed to keep reminding himself of that so never seeing her again wouldn’t hurt him.
    Sunlight beamed through the glass.  Birds chirped outside, a light breeze came in through her open window.  It was serene, a world away from the city.
    Mercy stirred beside him.
    “Morning.”  Marc kissed her cheek.
    “Good morning.”  She wrapped her good leg around his and rested into his side.
    “Do you have to go to work?” he asked.
    “I’m the boss.  I can be a little late.”
    “Don’t jeopardize your job for me.”
    “ Trust me, I’m alright.”  Mercy ran her finger up and down his muscular chest.  “So what happens now?”
    “We both already know.”   Marc cupped her firm behind and brought her atop of him.
    “I won’t see you again, will I?”
    “It’s best if you don’t.”
    Mercy didn’t argue with him.  Marc kissed her sweetly.
    “I need to go.”
    Mercy leaned her forehead against his.
    “Take care of yourself,” she said.
    Marc swore he could hear sorrow in her goodbye.
    “Promise me, swear to me you’re done seeking retribution.”
    She hesitated, but answered him. 
    “I swear.”
    “Good girl.”  He lowered his lips to hers and the passion between them was undeniable.  He pulled back and stroked her hair before rising out of bed and getting dressed.  Returning to her side, Marc sat down on the bed.  Her arms were wrapped around her knee.
    “Goodbye Mercy.”

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