SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy
you take off your underwear, yes.”
    “Here. Underwear’s off.” Her bra and panties joined the pile.
    “Thank you. I’ll be right back.”
    Daniel left Keira standing naked in the middle of his kitchen. She glanced around, but there wasn’t all that much to see. The place was so new, it looked barely lived in. Or maybe Daniel didn’t spend a whole lot of time in the kitchen. There was nothing on the walls, not even a reminder hanging on the fridge. The only thing that stuck out was a half-finished puzzle that seemed to dominate the kitchen table, what looked like a millions pieces that would eventually come together to make a depiction of a stained glass window featuring the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus.
    Daniel came back just as Keira was about to pick up one of the loose pieces. She spun around, caught in the act. “Sorry.”
    “It’s okay. I’ve done that one a few times.”
    “So you weren’t joking about the puzzles?” Keira said with a smile. This was the side of Daniel she wanted to get to know. She knew the man who liked to play with fire, literally, but it almost made her giggle to think of him settling in with a warm cup of tea to unwind with a one of his favorite puzzles.
    “Not exactly. I had to learn how to use my left hand after my accident. The puzzles helped with my dexterity. I’ll show you my drafting table later. I’ve become quite the left handed calligrapher.”
    “Ooh, I want to see that now.”
    “No. I want to play with you now.”
    Keira made a dramatic show of frowning at him, but that only lasted the few seconds it took for her to remember that she was butt naked and Daniel was going to show her what it was like to submit for him, on his terms.
    He had a roll of red shiny tape hanging off his prosthetic hook. “Do you know what this is?”
    “Festive duct tape?”
    “It’s called bondage tape.”
    “I’m probably ruining the mood, not being serious.”
    “No. You like to be silly and I like that about you.”
    “I’m going to bind you, wrists and feet. I’m going to cover your mouth and then I’m going to take you into my bedroom and we’re going to have some fun.”
    “Promise you won’t kill me.”
    Daniel leaned down and looked her right in the eyes. “I’m not going to kill you, I promise.”
    “I’m just saying, this is how horror movies start. I appreciate a bit of reassurance.”
    “I’m pretty sure Grant and Armando would be a little upset with me if didn’t send you back to the gym happy and whole.”
    “That’s true.”
    “Anyway. Can you snap?”
    “My fingers? Yeah.” Keira demonstrated, making a show of doing a little jig while she snapped both her fingers.
    “Good. Instead of a safe word you’re gonna snap. Place your hands behind your back, wrists crossed,” He said the last bit as he circled her body. “And I want your feet together. Good, just like that.” He made quick work securing her hands, then came back around to her front and got on his knees to secure her feet.
    Keira tried to keep quiet and just observe as Daniel bound her ankles with the tape, but she was too nervous to stand there in silence. “I’m nervous,” she blurted out.
    Daniel glanced up at her, giving her the brief instance of reassurance she needed. “Why are you nervous?”
    “Why shouldn’t I be?”
    “Because you’re with me and I think you know I would never do anything to hurt you. I think you can infer that I’m not the type to hurt anyone.”
    “It’s not that. I just, I’m not good at this.”
    “At what, Keira?”
    Keira let out a deep sigh as Daniel finished with her feet. The way she felt didn’t make any sense. She wanted to sleep with Daniel, even though she wasn’t exactly sure sex itself was on the menu, but she wanted to be with him again. She was already naked and she did trust him. In the short time they’d spent together, Daniel had already proved to be one of the sweetest men she had ever

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