Same Old Truths

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Book: Same Old Truths by Delora Dennis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delora Dennis
going,” Kay lied, giving her manipulation one more try.
    Much to Kay’s surprise, Cory confirmed her fictitious suspicion. “The truth is, I was gonna go, but I got an email from Violet this morning. Her family is going camping this weekend and she wants me to come. Can I, Mom?”
    Kay laughed again - this time at the uncanny timing of her daughter’s last-minute reprieve. “Saved by the bell, huh?”
    Now it was Cory’s turn to be embarrassed. “No, really Mom,” she protested. “I thought about what you said about Dr. Fulmer wanting me to face my problems. I mean, I don’t really think it’ll change anything, but I guess I owe it to myself to try. I’m only sorry it’ll have to wait until the next visit. That’s if you say I can go with Violet.”
    Kay was pretty sure her daughter’s sudden show of thoughtful maturity was just that - a show. Teenagers were so obvious when they were trying to get their parents to give them something they wanted. But Kay couldn’t fault the girl - especially in light of her own attempt at shifty maneuvering.
    “Well, before I say yes, I’ll want to call Bonnie for the details. You’re probably going to need some camping equipment.”
    Cory bobbed up and down on the balls of her feet and a wide grin exploded across her face. “Thank you, thank you, than…”
    Kay put her hand up, interrupting her daughter’s buoyant expression of gratitude. “But there’s one condition. You’re going to have to call your Dad and let him know you won’t be coming this time.”
    That stopped Cory in her tracks. “Really? You’re going to make me call him?”
    Kay dropped her chin and stared disapprovingly at Cory from under her brow.
    “All right, all right,” the girl reluctantly acquiesced. “I hate when you give me that look. I’ll call him. But I know he’s going to give me a bunch of shit.”
    “Good. But don’t call until I have everything confirmed with Violet’s mother.”
    Cory nodded dejectedly and headed for the stairs.
    “Look at it this way, Honey,” Kay said, stopping Cory with a gentle touch of the shoulder. “If you’re sincere about giving your dad a chance, this call is a good way to start.”
    Cory looked at her mother, rolled her eyes and said, “Whatever.” She disappeared up the stairs in her usual churlish fashion, leaving Kay to quietly return to the excitement of contemplating the possibilities of her upcoming lake-side social prospect.
    “Mom?” came the timid call from the top of the landing.
    Here it comes .
    Kay braced herself for a last ditch plea. But to Kay’s pleasant surprise, Cory said, “I really do hope you get to go on that houseboat. You never get to do anything fun.”
    Kay was so taken aback and touched by Cory’s, seemingly, heartfelt sentiment she felt moved to offer to make the call to Dave after all.
    Really… w hat would it hurt?
    But just as she opened her mouth to tell Cory she had reconsidered, the realization she was being played again tossed her off her little pink cloud. Kay had to admit she was impressed.
    Does my kid know me, or what ?
    “Thank you, Stinker. That’s sweet,” Kay called back up the stairs. “Now go call Mariah. You guys have about ten minutes before the bus comes.”
    The derisive little snort she heard in response let her know her suspicions were right on the money.
    Do I know my kid, or what?

    Disappointment, Thy Name is Sapphire Moon
    With a sigh of contentment, Kay nestled a little deeper into her mattress. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning had to be one of life’s more-delicious pleasures. The week was over, mercifully taking with it the pressures of raising two growing kids and an exacting boss. She was free!
    Kay lifted her head to turn her pillow in search of a cool spot. Once satisfactorily repositioned, she tried to drift off back to sleep. The image of an unhappy Mariah at her dad’s tried to sneak in and disturb the peace, but Kay shooed it away. Even if Mariah might not

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