Ropin' Trouble (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 2)

Read Online Ropin' Trouble (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 2) by Rhonda Lee Carver - Free Book Online

Book: Ropin' Trouble (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 2) by Rhonda Lee Carver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Lee Carver
He let his gaze lower over her loose top and jeans, but quickly back up to a safer area. Her lashes fanned across the tops of her pale cheeks and he noticed the faint spattering of freckles. With her light skin he wasn’t surprised. Her eyes were sweet and her face was delicate. And those lips! Wow, they were made especially for a kiss—his kiss.
    Oh, shit! He couldn’t allow his mind to travel down the path of no return. He was here to help her, not screw her.
    “She seems gentle,” Cara said.
    “You have nothing to be afraid of. Nellie is calm.” He patted the horse’s neck. “And I’ll lead you. But if you’d rather walk—“
    “No, that’s okay.” She lifted her chin in a bravery that he’d bargain didn’t match what she was feeling inside. He liked seeing that she had a spunky side under that thick layer of shyness.
    “If you’re sure?”
    “I’m sure.” Her bottom lip slightly trembled.
    “Okay then. Let’s get you in the saddle.” He wrapped his hands around her tiny waist—tingles shot upward through his hands and into his arms—and he easily lifted her onto the horse. She stared down at him. “Okay, there’s that look again.”
    “A look?” She moistened her lips and his cock twitched. This could be a problem.
    “The one that makes me wonder if you’re scared of me.” He shifted, wanting to ease the restraint behind his zipper.
    “I’m not scared.”
    “Good, because you have no reason. I’d protect you with my life.” The quick exhale of her breath made him grasp what he’d said. He’d only breathed those words to one other person in his entire life, and that person was gone. His jaw tightened and he knew he needed to change the subject, fast. “Let’s put your feet in the stirrups.” He adjusted them for her. In the open sandals, he could see that she had nice, soft feet. The color on her toenails matched the color of her lips. Realizing he was lingering a little too long, he pulled away. “Hold the reins and I’ll lead you. Relax and enjoy the ride.”
    Seeing that she’d lost all color to her skin, he felt guilty. “Here, I have an idea.” Without thinking of the consequences, he slid her foot out of one stirrup, placed his foot in the strap and pulled himself up behind her in the saddle.  She immediately stiffened. “Is this okay?” He brought his nose close to her hair and breathed in her scent—cotton candy, just as he remembered.
    “Y-Yes. I’ve just never imagined…”
    “Most people don’t,” he whispered next to her ear. He reached for the reins. He had to have his arms around her and he didn’t mind one bit. They fit perfectly in the saddle, her bottom nestled between his thighs. He hoped his body behaved. “Consider this your first riding lesson.”
    Leading the horse across the yard and to the gravel lane, her body relaxed some and she slowly leaned into him as if she was giving in. Oh, Lord! She smelled so damn good, and felt even better. He’d held sexier women—women who’d practically thrown themselves at him and he hadn’t felt this much activity or desire. He was realizing just how needy he was for a woman’s touch. His cock shot alive, making his jeans fit too tight. He wondered if she noticed his rise and it only made the ache turn to a throbbing. Thankfully, Sofie’s office wasn’t far because much longer and he’d do exactly what he wanted since he saw her picture. Kiss her panties right off her.
    “This isn’t too bad,” she said. He caught the interest in her tone.
    “One of the biggest pleasures in life is riding.” Why did his words come off as an insinuation when he meant it clean? Probably because his mind was in the gutter.
    “I’d like to learn to ride myself, before I leave. I really think this is soothing.” She splayed her fingers across her jean-covered thighs. She had slender fingers and her nails were neat and short.
    “We can arrange that.” He liked her fresh take on riding. She was cute and he

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