Romancing His English Rose (Entangled Scandalous)

Read Online Romancing His English Rose (Entangled Scandalous) by Catherine Hemmerling - Free Book Online

Book: Romancing His English Rose (Entangled Scandalous) by Catherine Hemmerling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Hemmerling
Tags: Romance, romance series, entangled publishing, Entangled Scandalous, Catherine Hemmerling
any more than the smallest handful of people.
    On the rare occasions when her parents did host a party or ball, Rose and the servants made sure to clear out the appropriate space needed, but on such short notice, Rose—and apparently Simon—knew they would not be able to do so to any measure of success in time for the event.
    As Rose was sending out the amended invitations—to alert the guests of the change of venue—it occurred to her that she was not particularly surprised by Simon’s foresight and consideration. In fact, it was her lack of surprise that she found the most startling.
    Quite frankly, the last few days had opened her eyes to the hidden depths of her betrothed. She vaguely remembered that he had been an intelligent and intuitive child, but in the latter years his devil-may-care attitude had overwhelmed that recollection.
    Not that intelligence meant he was any more honorable toward women (much less her), but she was pleased to see this other—more mature—side of Simon and she wondered if she had anything to do with it. She rather hoped she did. Certainly he had caused more than a few changes in her.
    For the last two days, her mind had been full of Simon Trumbull. She had replayed the events in the carriage in her head so many times she was sure she could recite everything that had been said word for word.
    Sometimes she found her ability to recall the most minute of details a curse, but in this case she thought perhaps it was a blessing. For in hindsight, despite her initial reaction, Rose began to think that perhaps Simon hadn’t been laughing at her, per se, but was rather enjoying her…er, enthusiastic responses to him.
    It certainly made more sense, given the way he had looked at her a few times earlier in the day. Truthfully, considering the glances, the kiss, and even their last dance together, Rose was beginning to suspect Simon was not as inured to her as she once thought. It was rather unbelievable, that. But now she needed to be even more careful. She was not a light skirt to be seduced, despite her unexpected response to Simon’s advances. Frankly, her behavior astounded her. She should have been outraged, but instead she found she had just wanted more. One would think she had feelings for the man. How unwise would that be?
    So, after all of her examination and theorizing, Rose decided her fanciful hypothesis should remain as such for now and she should just carry on with her mission. Surely, if she and Simon continued to spend time together over the next few weeks, the mystery of his feelings for her—and indeed her feelings for him—would work itself out.
    However, having decided on a course of action with Simon did not make seeing him again any less nerve-wracking, and Rose truly hoped she would be able to remain focused on their task for the evening, knowing he would be so nearby.
    As the door opened, Rose mentally reviewed her appearance: fashionable blue dress that set off her red hair becomingly, the same upswept hairstyle that Simon had noticed at the Sunderland ball, and pretty little slippers that exactly matched the blue of her dress and were adorned with jeweled clips that she couldn’t actually see sparkling beneath the hem of her long gown, but made her smile nonetheless.
    Rose handed her pelisse and reticule to the Trumbull’s butler.
    “Mr. Trumbull is in the Great Room, Miss.”
    “Thank you, Millar,” Rose replied politely, dismissing him with a nod of her head.
    Most of the Trumbulls’ servants already treated her as one of the family, giving her—in all practicality—free reign of the house. Simon was afforded the same freedoms in the Warren household, as well. There is something to be said for being promised to one another so young, Rose thought as she made her way to the Great Room unaccompanied.
    Rose stopped just outside of the room’s doorway. In mere moments she would be face to face with Simon. She almost wished she could have made a fashionably late

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