Romance: Alien Romance: Chosen By The Alien Lord: BBW Alien Romance (Alien Abduction, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Rusneon Mates Book 1)

Read Online Romance: Alien Romance: Chosen By The Alien Lord: BBW Alien Romance (Alien Abduction, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Rusneon Mates Book 1) by Ashley Hunter - Free Book Online

Book: Romance: Alien Romance: Chosen By The Alien Lord: BBW Alien Romance (Alien Abduction, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Rusneon Mates Book 1) by Ashley Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Hunter
eyes met her with widening curiosity.
    She memorized every ridge and curve of his flesh with her fingers and dragged her tongue to test the erogenous zones of his flesh.
    Ceff let out a strained gasp when her fingers found the edge of his length. She had never seen a cock before, so she wasn’t sure if it compared to a man’s or not, but it was slightly curved and throbbed in her palms.
    “Does it hurt?” She asked.
    “No,” Ceff gasped.
    “I like it.”
    Spurred forward, Tessa began to pump her palm around his length and suddenly she could see small glowing begin beneath his flesh. It covered him from chest to his legs, spackles of glowing that reminded her of stars the more she touched him.
    It was fascinating, seeing how this pleasure made him lit up like he had galaxies in his blood.
    Before she could do any more though, Ceff has flipped them over, making her gasp. His eyes were darker, burnt gold in the dim light of this room.
    “Now,” he insisted and his hands were lifting and spreading her thighs, fluttering over bits of her flesh he had already become familiar with. In no time at all, Tessa was gasping and groaning, her back curving whenever his touch made the fire in her skin feel especially scorching.
    The influence of his essence began to play spots in her eyes and she felt feverish and even delirious with desire. He finally dipped his fingers within her sex, slipping in through the soaking folds easily. Tessa let out a scream.
    He began to pump his fingers against her before withdrawing, making her blink up at him with confusion.
    He smirked down at her and began to rub himself against her, hot and scorching. Tessa gasped and soon began to moan, her hips lifting to match his strokes.
    When he entered her, it was like coming home. She felt a wash of desire and happiness surge through her without holding back.
    With every bit of her strength, Tessa reached up and around him, bringing him into a fierce kiss that made him buck hard against her. They moved in a twitching rhythm that smoothed out to hard undulations.
    “Tessa,” Ceff groaned, one of his fingers reaching up to press against the base of her head.
    Tessa let out a sharp gasp, her body stiffening with surprise when she was suddenly overwhelmed with new sensations.
    She remembered the last time Ceff had done this, shocked when she realized that what she was feeling now was what he was feeling as he pressed against her. Only she didn’t recoil from him. Instead, she accepted it, and her level of pleasure spiked to a way she had never felt before.
    She suddenly fell into a fit of pleasure so powerful that she couldn’t define whose it belonged to.
    They writhed and screamed. Bucked hard and begged and pleaded for more.
    Before long, Tessa felt herself clamp down on his length, and he was stuttering a fierce gasp.
    “I love you,” the words were sudden and abrupt and she felt them on her mouth but was unsure whom it came from.
    Still they surrounded her in a peaceful acceptance that only surged with further happiness until she was sobbing for entirely different reasons.
    “I love you…”
    “I love you…”
    And when they fell apart they fell apart together, like falling stars and crashing worlds. Tessa fell asleep not long after, and she felt happy.
    She felt like she had a life now.
    She wasn’t alone anymore.

    Chapter 1
    Elle Roberts wasn’t what you’d call a supremely confident woman. Granted, she was comfortable with her looks, she was comfortable with herself—but she wasn’t exactly the type to put herself out there.
    She lived her life in a small town growing up. The same people during elementary school became the people she knew throughout high school.
    She had one boyfriend, a sweet guy who loved art more than anything; it just took her some time to realize that the list that included ‘anything’ also included her.
    So when he told her he was going to

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