Risky Shot

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Book: Risky Shot by Kathleen Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Brooks
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary, Romantic Comedy
hood, her Uggs, and another pair of jeans before opening the back window and jumping out. She heard the crack of the flimsy front door as she ran between buildings heading for her car parked four blocks away. Thank goodness she didn’t park it in the lot. She had lost a bag of clothes, but at least the men in black hadn’t gotten her, yet.
    She heard the shouts notifying the others that she had gone out the back and pressed herself harder. She heard more shouts ordering the men to spread out. Their heavy feet hit the pavement hard as they ran after her. Sprinting as fast as she could, Dani took giant gulps of air as her lungs started to burn. She slammed into her car and yanked open the door. She tossed her stuff into the passenger seat and prayed the car would start. She jabbed the key into the ignition and turned. Nothing. “Come on! Come on!” She turned the key again and her Chevy roared to life. She slammed her foot on the pedal and took off as fast as she could.
    Dani woke up on a cot at Saint Mary’s Shelter with the feeling of being watched. She looked around and saw a little girl no older than two staring at her. She smiled and tried to see what time it was. She gave up on going back to sleep and got up to use the bathroom. When she came back, a man was asleep in her cot. Deciding it wasn't worth the hassle of trying to get the cot back, she headed out to find her car. It had been one month since the incident and so far she hadn’t learned anything concrete. She had no idea how the men in black found her last night, but it made her real jumpy.
    She got into her car and headed to the nearest public library. She tried closing her eyes again, but the fear of being chased kept her constantly looking around. After the first rush of people walked into the library, she went inside and jumped onto the public computer. She stared at the free email sign-up trying the think of the best name to use. Smiling to herself, she signed in as a client of Kenna’s, a sweet old man by the name of Mr. Fox. She sent her message updating Kenna and logged off. She didn’t waste any time hanging around and went back to her car.
    * * *
    The second month in New York was spent in a constant state of dread. She laid low at homeless shelters and in her car. She had less than five hundred dollars left and was about to give up. She had followed Judge LeMaster for two weeks, and followed Agent Edwards for another week. She spent one week trying to tail Senator Tamlin, but could never stick with him. His driver was amazing, and Dani was too scared to push it.
    She opened her second spiral notebook and dated the page April 28th. She shifted in her seat and got comfortable before taking notes. She was down the street from the Senators’ offices. Next up, she was going to try her hand at tracking Senator Bruce. She opened her window and let the cool breeze come in to wake her up. She noted what time Senator Tamlin arrived and was relieved to see Senator Bruce pull in shortly after. Both were in town to campaign for some bill they were sponsoring.
    Thirty minutes after they arrived, another car pulled up and parked in the adjacent parking lot. Dani shot forward and then immediately hid behind her steering wheel as she recognized Chad. Her heart literally stopped and she felt her fight-or-flight mode kick in. Part of her wanted to hide and cry, while the other part of her wanted to reach for her 9mm and shoot the bastard.
    Chad sauntered into the building and left an hour later. She hit the wheel in frustration as both Senators left within five minutes of each other. There was no telling which one Chad went to see. She followed Bruce and watched him give a speech in Central Park about the environment and the importance of green space. She didn’t spot Chad again, but just seeing him once was enough to freak her out and make her realize she needed to stay. If the judicial system, the police, the FBI and now a Congressman were all

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