Rise of the Empire 1: Olympus
“What?” he said impatiently.
    Seo-yun sighed and said simply “ War.”
    “War?” Tomas asked confused “What does war have to do with anything.”
    She eyed him for a short second and then said “Think about it. Humanity has waged wars since its birth, whether against nature or against one another. There is almost no period since we started recording history in which we haven’t fought a war in one way or another, even now after the most destructive war we ever had, we still squabble among ourselves. Every one of our technological advances had come from preparing for war, or immediately after, when we needed to get an edge for the next one. Of course there have been advances that haven’t been motivated by the military, but even those are in a way conceived for war. War against our competitors, to get an edge on a market, to earn wealth or take over your opponents business.”
    “And it isn’t so in this Union.” He asked.
    “Not at all. First you need to understand where and how these races evolved. Most every one of the Union races evolved to be either on the top of the food chain, or outside of it, they evolved with no competition, and as soon as they reached a point where they explored all of their world, they formed a community, they were unified from the start, there was never anything like what Earth has, with multiple governments, the only time they had something like that was when they were isolated by land and unable to communicate. Not that they didn’t fight amongst themselves they did, but it rarely came to bloodshed and when it did it was quickly resolved, they had small infightings, nothing on our all-out world war scale. So they felt no need to change for extended periods of time, they were safe from the environment, nature and other life on their worlds. When they did change it was to make their lives better. Their medical technology is leagues ahead of ours from what we had read in the databases, since the ship had no medical capabilities. When they went in space it was because their populations had finally exceeded their world’s limits. One other reason for the time it took them to reach this point is that they mostly reproduced a lot slower than us. There were a few races that reproduced as fast or faster than we do, and those were generally younger races, so there is something there as well. When they met other races there were wars between them, but rarely, and those were again periods where their technology seemed to leap ahead again. But again wars were quickly resolved since trade was much more profitable for both sides. There was one warlike race in the vicinity of one of the founding members of the Union territory, they started to conquer planets from other races, and it was this event that pushed the other races to form the Union. The race that attacked was called Minoolos by the Union, though their real name was unpronounceable by most other races so they made their own name, it means “those who destroy”, and the race was actually a lot younger than most of Union races, it had already been warring in space for hundreds of years before coming upon the Union territory. They were only slightly more advanced than the Union races and were attacking multiple races at the same time. Until the Unuura called for an alliance that later became the Union. The attacked races shared technology, and researched new technologies in order to defend themselves, and they had a lot more manpower between themselves than the Minoolos had. And as soon as they closed the technology gap they pushed them back and reclaimed their worlds. They formed the Union and started expanding their territory, they even accepted the Minoolos into the Union later. In time the Union became an enormous behemoth with spherical territory of more than 700 light years in radius, with many thin finger like extensions from the center, and as such were not a soft target for warlike races. And with that safety in numbers there

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