Resurgence: Green Fields book 5

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Book: Resurgence: Green Fields book 5 by Adrienne Lecter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Lecter
Tags: Dystopia, Zombie Apocalypse
water wasn’t too enticing. He returned soon, yet instead of getting in on his side, he opened my door, leaning against it as he studied me.
    “Wanna scoot over?” he suggested. “It’s light enough now that I can drive.” I shook my head, making him utter an exasperated sigh. “Bree, stop being so fucking stubborn—“
    My harsh laugh cut him off. “Can you, maybe, for once not be such a fucking asshole?” I asked, exhaling forcefully as I stretched out my legs. “I can’t.”
    “Can’t step down for once?” he asked, still angry.
    I bit my lip hard, counting to ten in my head before I replied, hopefully not as sharply as I wanted to. “Can’t scoot over. Do you have to make this so hard on me? Do I have to swallow my last bit of dignity? Really?” He just kept looking back at me, daring me to say it out loud. Sighing, I sagged deeper into the seat. “Don’t have the strength left to pull myself over the center console,” I explained as I glared up at him.
    The look of guilt that crossed his features made me crack a smile, but that disappeared soon enough when he picked me up, my entire body protesting vehemently. At least he tried to be gentle as he deposited me in his seat. This time I didn’t protest when he buckled me in before he returned to the other side.  
    We drove another two hours, half of that I spent more or less sleeping. I knew that I should have tried to stay awake, but whenever I startled, Nate told me in a quiet voice to go back to sleep. Neither of us was very happy with that arrangement, and shortly after eight he finally called it quits. There were a few houses scattered across the plain but Nate deliberately chose a small copse of trees for our temporary camp. I was asleep before the engine had cooled off completely, hiding my head in a black shirt of Nate’s to keep my eyes away from the sun.
    Although I got some sleep, I didn’t feel very rested when I peeked out of my cocoon again just after noon. Nate was awake, studying the maps splayed out over the steering wheel. He wordlessly held out my aviators to me, followed by the Motrin and some more water. I took it all without comment, swishing my mouth out with the stale water once the pills were down.
    “Why do I even bother with these?” I asked as I handed the bottle back to him. “They do absolutely nothing.”
    “Welcome to my world,” he jeered, but softened his voice a moment later. “Strong intravenous painkillers still work. I just don’t know where to get any morphine right now.”
    I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Remember that ketamine you idiots used for the tranq gun for cattle hunting? Would have come in mighty handy now, wouldn’t you say?” The look he gave me was way too bland for his own good. “What?” I asked, not sure what to make of that.
    “Actually, we had some left,” he explained.
    He nodded. “I shot you full of it before I cleaned up the wound on your thigh. The last thing I needed was for you to come out of your coma while I was scraping bits of necrotic flesh from your femur.”
    “You what?!”
    Rather than look at me, Nate got busy refolding the maps. “You heard me right the first time. Trust me, you didn’t want to be awake through that. Been there, done it, don’t exactly recommend it. Next time I’ll only use up half so you can complain later why it hurt like hell.”
    I didn’t know what to reply to that, and eventually settled on a subdued, “Thanks.”
    Nate’s brows took a hike up, but he acknowledged it with an equally low, “You’re welcome.” Of course he had to destroy the moment by foisting some disgusting tuna at me, but for once I didn’t feel like protesting and just munched down the food.
    “Found out where we are?” I asked after chucking the can right out the window. Littering? Not on my list of concerns right now.
    “More or less,” he replied. “If we head west long enough we should be good. Three to four days, depending on how many

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