Resisting the Musician (a Head Over Heels Novel) (Entangled Indulgence)

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Book: Resisting the Musician (a Head Over Heels Novel) (Entangled Indulgence) by Ally Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ally Blake
little faith. There is no way I’m spoiling this. Before I had this idea, I’d wake in a cold sweat after having dreamt I was standing at the altar in a big white dress announcing I was calling the whole thing off because I still hadn’t found him a wedding present.”
    Lori’s heart cooled and slowed as it always did when her protective instincts perked up. “Callie, honey, if you’re worried—”
    “No, no, no. Not like that. It’s just that he’s literally the man who has everything, which makes it hard to feel original at times.”
    Callie, not original? The girl was so unique she was a national treasure. Lori bit her lip with the effort not to curse Jake Mitchell’s very name. “Is that why you’re behind on your deadlines? Because he’s made you feel like you’re not as creative?”
    Callie’s head snapped back. “No! I…I just need to slow down a bit, I think. It’s been go go go since we moved here. Once the well has been refilled I’ll be better than ever.”
    “Honey,” Lori said, pushing, always pushing, “you can’t even design your own wedding shoe. You, who could draw a shoe for the Princess of Persia with your eyes closed.” Isn’t that telling you something?
    “That’s because I want them to be perfect. The only wedding shoes I’ll ever wear ,” Callie said, playing with one of the company’s own slogans. Funny girl.
    Lori forced a smile and asked, “Does this mean you’ve set the date?”
    “No,” Callie grumbled, twirling the pretty, bow-shaped diamond engagement ring around her dainty finger. “And I wish everyone would stop asking us that or Jake’ll blow a gasket. There’s the tour coming up in the fall and half an album to record before then, so not till after that.”
    It took every effort for Lori not to point out that if the guy wanted to marry her he’d do it. But, honestly, it wasn’t as if Lori had a serious clue why men did the things they did.
    “And you,” Lori pressed. “You’d have to make room, too, remember. Fashion Week is coming up. And next spring’s collection proofs still aren’t finalized. Your business is as important to you as his is to him.”
    Callie’s smile was flat. “I’m sure I could find room in between sketching out crap, and having no ideas at all.”
    Lori’s stomach clenched. Hard. Another massive hurdle she had to jump in order to right the ship. She had to find a way to help Callie get her mojo back, and fast. Break schmeak. Lori might be doing a grand job of keeping the business problems from her sister, but even she couldn’t keep a whole country-load of creativity-sapping gossip reined in.
    Lori pulled her next ace from the deck, knowing she was running out fast. “I’ve been thinking we should try to coax Lita up from LA.”
    “Oh yes, yes, yes.” Callie perked up.
    The sisters had met the entertainment reporter years back, when Calliope Shoes first began getting attention on red carpets one award season. One of Lita’s first assignments had been an interview with a certain up and coming shoe designer, who’d been terrified. She’d been gracious with Callie while she and Lori had hit it off like soul sisters.
    “I’ll call her,” Lori said circling Lita’s name on her diary. See if she’s interested in doing something at the same time. About the song? About Callie and Jake? Something.
    “Girls’ weekend!” Callie said, tipping to the edge of the chair. “We need a fourth so I’ll drag Sydney up here, too. I miss that girl’s blueberry pancakes like nothing else. And she hasn’t even met Jake yet. So let’s make it soon.”
    Lori wrote down ‘Sydney,’ Callie’s best friend from back in Fairbanks, and circled it three times. “Consider it done.”
    “Excellent. Now, how about Dash?” Callie asked.
    Lori felt the blood leave her belly to land in her face. Her pen kept circling so she didn’t have to look up. “He’s not invited. As far as I can tell he’s not a girl.”
    “Ha! The

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