Rescue My Heart
great. What a rack! His
fingers tingled, and his groin tightened. Felicia’s slender, hard
body didn’t stimulate him at all. He’d never been tempted to take
her to bed, though she had made it clear she was
    He liked his women fuller, softer,
with something to hold on to. Before he’d made the arrangement with
Felicia, he had been quite a Casanova. In college and vet school,
Hack had had more women than he knew what to do with. But never the
right one. He had often thought he was too picky. Then, he had
drifted into the arrangement with Felicia and time to find the
right woman had evaporated.
sexy words stimulated him, turned him on. How am I going to leave if I’m hard? Worry helped to solve his problem by creating anxiety, which
distracted his body. Still, doing this everyday would make
resisting difficult. Doesn’t she own any
turtlenecks? Remember, she’s a bitch. She’s out to get me. But he didn’t believe that. He knew he’d wronged
her and needed to make amends.
    He typed for an hour before Rory
called for a break.
    “ Coffee or tea?” she
asked, moving into her small kitchen.
    “ You making coffee?” He
got up and stretched.
    “ I will if you drink
    “ Love a cup.”
    Rory padded barefoot to the sink. Hack
watched her with hungry eyes. Her jeans were tight in all the right
places. Even her pink toenails attracted him. Felicia wore dark
nail polish that reminded him of Dracula. Rory’s bottom was
enticing. A vision of her riding him while he gripped her butt made
his mouth water. He swallowed and turned his attention to her
Felicia’s obsessively neat, stark, black-and-white place, Rory’s
was messy, filled with creative doodads, ceramic bowls, and
artwork. Her white walls were covered with original oil paintings
and prints. Beautiful, hand-crafted ceramic pieces were on display
in her wall unit. The colors were warm—melon, gold, and soft
browns. Earth tones. Earthy, like
her. A raspberry, crocheted throw lay
folded over the arm of the couch. Where
have I seen that before?
    The aroma of perking coffee mixed with
her lilac scent floated to his nostrils. The sofa, the same color
as Baxter, was soft and comfy. The pug lay sleeping , curled up
with his head supported by the arm.
    “ Hungry?”
    “ It’s only
    “ So?”
    “ It’s not lunchtime,
    “ Do you always eat by the
clock, not by your stomach?” She talked while she opened a festive
Christmas tin. Lifting out two scones, she put them on a small
plate and closed the container.
    “ You make
    “ Yep. Cheaper than buying
    “ They look
    “ Chocolate chip. I’ll zap
them for a few secs in the microwave and melt the chips.” His
stomach growled.
    Hack joined Baxter. The pug switched
around, resting his head on Hack’s leg, boosting off the arm with
his feet to get closer. The vet smiled at the little dog. Rory put
the plate and a mug on the coffee table. She then retrieved milk,
sugar, and her own cup. They prepared their hot drinks in silence.
Hack picked up his scone and took a bite. It was the best he had
ever eaten.
    “ This is
    “ Thanks. I got the recipe
from Shirley, down the hall.”
always orders out. I don’t think she even owns a pot or pan. Why do I keep comparing? I’m only doing
restitution here. Still. They’re so different. Could I date a girl
like Rory? So unusual, so spontaneous, creative, so unlike my
    “ Does Miss Pipe Cleaner
    Hack shook his head while he chewed
and swallowed.
    “ Too bad for you. You like
to eat, eh?”
    “ Who doesn’t?” He washed
the scone down with a sip of coffee.
    “ Yeah. Me, too. So, I
learned to cook. Shirley’s taught me a lot. She’s the best. She can
make anything.”
    “ Didn’t your mother teach
you to cook?”
    “ I learned some stuff from
her.” Rory’s cheeks colored. “We’re not close.”
    “ Does she live in New

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