should enjoy taming that fiery spirit.”
    His tone made her blood run cold. Fear snaked its way up her spine, but she held his gaze without flinching.
    He stepped forward, his breath fanning her face. “If I choose to take you, I will. If I choose to betroth myself to you, I will. Your brother has come begging, and now I can see why. He is weary of a sister who is too bold.” His fingers drew a line from her temple to her jaw. “Though no one can deny your beauty.” He leaned forward as though he would kiss her.
    She clutched the basket and stepped back. He grabbed her arm. She jerked away and quickly lowered the basket to hold like a shield between them. He released her and stepped back, holding both hands up in a gesture of defeat.
    “Do not act so worried, betulah. I only meant to steady you, to keep you from falling.” He chuckled again as though he were quite pleased with himself. “You shall make a fine bride.” He tipped his fingers to his head and saluted her, then backed away. “We shall meet again, betulah. ”
    Rebekah stilled, her breath coming fast, not certain she could trust that he was gone. But a moment later, she shook herself, thrust the basket back onto her head, and fairly ran the rest of the way through the vineyard. Heart beating hard against her ribs, she did not stop until she reached her family’s courtyard.

    “I will not become his wife. You cannot force me.”
    The evening meal had ended, and Rebekah grew increasingly angry, unable to shake Dedan’s actions from her thoughts. She stood now in front of Laban, arms crossed to still her nerves, while he reclined against plush cushions, smoking his clay pipe. Bethuel sat to his left, and she glanced between the two of them. “He accosted me in the vineyard.”
    Bethuel jumped to his feet. “He will pay for this.” He strode toward the door, and Rebekah had to hurry to catch up with his long strides. It would cost him his own life to kill an elder’s son.
    She touched Bethuel’s arm, halting him. “He did not harm me. He only frightened me.” She smiled, assuring Bethuel with a glance she spoke truth. When Bethuel grudgingly took his seat once more, she faced Laban, who seemed not the least worried of what Dedan might do to her. “The man is a reckless fool, and I will not marry him.”
    “Since he has yet to ask for such an arrangement, I do not think you need worry about such a thing, my sister.” Laban puffed on his pipe and crossed his ankles. “What makes you think he wants you?”

    “He said as much.” Rebekah felt the blood drain from her face. Had the man been merely playing games with her, lying to her?
    “Did he now?” Laban looked at her for a long moment, his gaze thoughtful. “I did make a subtle inquiry but did not know they would take matters so quickly into their own hands.” He puffed a few more times, letting his words linger in the air with the smoke. “It would seem Dedan acted rather rashly.”
    “You did not know he would be at the harvest pretending to be one of us? Or did he have your permission to look me over as though he were buying a donkey or a calf?”
    Laban straightened, clearly resenting the accusation. “You need not trouble yourself so much, Rebekah. It sounds to me like the man was being shrewd. To marry a woman sight unseen would be risky for any man. Despite your beauty, my dear sister, not every man in Harran has been privileged to witness it firsthand.”
    Heat filled Rebekah’s face as she recalled the man’s too-familiar comments. “Elder’s son or no, the man should not waylay innocent maidens and make them fear they will be taken advantage of. I cannot abide such a man. And if he does come to make such an offer, I want you to refuse him.” She clenched her fists, looking first to Bethuel and pleading silently with him to take her side, then to Laban, who held her fate.
    Laban grunted, set the pipe aside, and glared at her. “And what if that happens, Rebekah? What

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