
Read Online Reawakening by K. L. Kreig - Free Book Online

Book: Reawakening by K. L. Kreig Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. L. Kreig
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Fantasy, Thrillers, Paranormal, Erotic, Ward, Moning, vampire lords
feeling less vulnerable.
    “We’ll work on it first thing tomorrow. Stay.” His lips trailed across her temple. “Stay. I promise to behave,” he whispered. He hadn’t promised not to take a cold shower and pump the junk a few times to relieve the ache he now felt deep in his balls.
    “Yes,” she breathed.
    Thank fuck. He wasn’t sure he could handle her walking out the door, not knowing when he’d see her again.
    He’d finally gotten Giselle in his bed, not exactly the way he’d wanted, but it was a start. Now, he just needed to figure out how to keep her there, because against everything he’d ever believed could have happened … he was in love with this female, a vampire , and he didn’t want to let her go.

Chapter 8
    His hands traveled lightly down her exposed arms. She wanted them to thread underneath her pajama top and palm her aching breasts. She wanted his lips to take her pebbled nipple into his mouth, but he frustratingly kept his touch light, teasing. Hot breath skated along her neck, but his mouth never touched her skin.
    She didn’t want to wake, but consciousness beckoned her. Just a few more minutes, she pleaded.
    “More,” she begged.
    This was the first time he’d ever touched her in a dream. After all these years of aching for him, he finally had his hands on her but it wasn’t enough. And why did it feel so right, yet so weirdly wrong at the same time?
    It was him , but he’d yet to show his face. It was him , but every time she tried to look into his icy blues, they became concealed again. Gah ! Why was he hiding from her?
    Morning rays spilled in around the closed shades and the last images of her erotic dream faded away. She whipped off the covers, her body in agony with unfulfilled need. Her hand snaked down under her panties, finding her pussy completely drenched. She had to relieve some of the pressure that’d built to volcanic proportions. She’d never been so turned on.
    And it was just a dream. Imagine how the real flesh and blood Romaric would feel against your skin, in your body.
    Spreading her moisture, she reached climax in record time and lay panting on sweat soaked sheets. Once wasn’t enough and after the second release, she finally felt a small amount of the heaviness subside. If she did happen to see Romaric, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep from jumping him on the spot. And wouldn’t that be embarrassing, throwing yourself at someone who didn’t bother to give you the time of day.
    Pushing down her disappointment that she hadn’t seen him last night, she headed for the shower. Thirty minutes later, hair slightly damp and curly, with a light coat of mascara and some powder to cover her shiny pores, she dressed in jean shorts and a navy blue tank. Slipping on her flip-flops, she opened her bedroom door and froze.
    Standing in her doorway—no, more like taking up her entire doorway—was Romaric Dietrich.
    Romaric, Greek God of sex.
    Sweet. Holy. Mother.
    With his sexy goatee and light hair so closely cropped to his head that he almost appeared bald, he was god-like perfection and scary intimidating all at the same time. The entire package was rounded out with his clear blue penetrating eyes, and shoulders so broad he’d put any NFL linebacker to shame.
    And his scrutiny of her now was as, if not more, piercing as that night at dinner seven long days ago. His eyes raked over every inch of her exposed flesh, lingering on the swell of her breasts, before snapping back to hers. She suddenly wished she’d worn wedges, not only to make her taller, but to lengthen her less than model short legs.
    Sweet. Holy. Mother. Yes, she was repeating herself, but Jesus , it was worth repeating.
    “Hello Sarah,” he drawled. The deep timbre of his voice echoed in her ears long after he’d stopped talking.
    “Uhhhhh …”
    He chuckled and it was the first time she’d seen a hint of a smile on his oh so serious

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