Rae, Beverly - Saving Mandy [Night Runner Werewolves 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

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Book: Rae, Beverly - Saving Mandy [Night Runner Werewolves 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) by Beverly Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Rae
the cheek.
    “Hey, we’re the ones who fixed you breakfast.”
    Jimmy laughed at Nick’s protest and took her hand. “Didn’t you notice me filling containers with food? I’m taking Mandy on a picnic breakfast.”
    “Then we won’t need this. Here.” Michael gave the tray to Nick, pushing it against his chest.
    “No, you won’t.” Jimmy hooked her hand around his elbow. “Ready to do this?”
    Having more than one man pay attention to her was a first. A first she could get used to. “Ready.”

    * * * *

    She’d never thought of Texas as a beautiful place before coming to the Matheson Ranch. Gazing over the flat land toward the sloping hills beyond, she had to rethink her opinion. Or maybe it was the company that had her sighing at the tumbleweeds and thickets of brush. She wrapped her arms around her knees, content to sit on the Southwestern-style blanket Jimmy had spread out for the picnic and watch the fluffy white clouds roll by.
    “Did you get enough to eat?”
    She chuckled and shot him a funny look. “Are you kidding me? Pancakes, strawberries, bacon, sausage, melon, and even champagne? You brought enough food to feed a small army much less fill me up. But thank you. This was great.” She smiled at him, reaching out to touch his hand. “You’re very thoughtful. All of you have made me feel very…accepted.” Where had she come up with that word? Yet, she had to admit, the word fit.
    “But I’m the most thoughtful one of all, right?”
    Who could resist him? He combined the qualities of a hot man with a lighthearted boyishness she found endearing and very sexy. “Yes, you are. But don’t tell the others, okay? I wouldn’t want their feelings hurt.”
    He scoffed then shook his head. “Feelings? What feelings? They’re just a bunch of animals.”
    Why did everyone refer to them as animals? “Maybe so. But they’re a pretty great bunch of animals, if you ask me.”
    He drank the last of his champagne, his hazel eyes growing warm. “Yeah. They really are. But I’ll deny that I ever said so.”
    He leaned closer, rubbing his shoulder against hers. The familiar zing of excitement spiraled inside her stomach. Licking her lips to wet them, she bowed her head then gazed at him through lowered eyelashes.
    Shifting to face her, he hooked his finger under her chin and lifted her face. She forgot about the land around them, forgot about the other men. Nothing existed except Jimmy.
    Light danced in his eyes as he moved closer and pressed his mouth to hers. Tender at first, he swept the tip of his tongue between her lips. She moaned, a small sound she barely heard, then met his kiss with more force when he cupped his hand behind her neck.
    He nibbled at the corner of her mouth then flicked his tongue over the spot as though he’d harmed her. Pulling her close, he slid his tongue inside her mouth and moaned. The sound and warmth of his moan entered her, and she drank it in, reveling at his tastes.
    He lowered her to the blanket, his lips never leaving hers. Skimming his hand under her top, he pushed her bra aside and cupped her breast. She arched, urging him to do more than use his hand. She looked into the sky and tunneled her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
    “You’re more beautiful than I ever imagined.”
    Had he imagined her? Or someone like her? But it didn’t matter. What mattered was that she was with him now.
    She gasped as he slid his tongue over her breast then sucked in her nipple. Whipping his tongue around the taut bud, he sent flares of delight spreading outward from the tip of her breast. Echoing flares erupted between her legs, and she let her bent leg fall to the side.
    Jimmy jerked away from her, his eyes scanning the area behind them. Several bushes grouped together to form a dense thicket.
    “What’s the matter?”
    He cupped his hand over her mouth, shook his head, then pulled her to a sitting position. Motioning for her to keep her voice low, he

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